17B-1-211. Notice of public hearings -- Publication of resolution. (1) Before holding a public hearing or set of public hearings under Section
17B-1-210,the legislative body of each county or municipality with which a request is filed or that adopts aresolution under Subsection
17B-1-203(1)(c) and the board of trustees of each local district thatadopts a resolution under Subsection
17B-1-203(1)(d) shall:
(a) (i) (A) except as provided in Subsections (1)(a)(i)(B) and (1)(a)(ii), publish notice ina newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation within the applicable area inaccordance with Subsection (2); or
(B) if there is no newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation withinthe applicable area, post notice in accordance with Subsection (2):
(I) at least one notice per 1,000 population of that area; and
(II) at places within the area that are most likely to provide actual notice to residents ofthe area; and
(ii) publish notice on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section
63F-1-701, fortwo weeks before the hearing or the first of the set of hearings; or
(b) mail a notice to each registered voter residing within and each owner of real propertylocated within the proposed local district.
(2) Each published notice under Subsection (1)(a)(i)(A) shall:
(a) be no less than 1/4 page in size, use type no smaller than 18 point, and be surroundedby a 1/4-inch border;
(b) if possible, appear in a newspaper that is published at least one day per week;
(c) if possible, appear in a newspaper of general interest and readership in the area andnot of limited subject matter;
(d) be placed in a portion of the newspaper other than where legal notices and classifiedadvertisements appear; and
(e) be run at least once each week for two successive weeks, with the final publicationbeing no less than three and no more than 10 days before the hearing or the first of the set ofhearings.
(3) Each notice required under Subsection (1) shall:
(a) if the hearing or set of hearings is concerning a resolution:
(i) contain the entire text or an accurate summary of the resolution; and
(ii) state the deadline for filing a protest against the creation of the proposed localdistrict;
(b) clearly identify each governing body involved in the hearing or set of hearings;
(c) state the date, time, and place for the hearing or set of hearings and the purposes forthe hearing or set of hearings; and
(d) describe or include a map of the entire proposed local district.
(4) County or municipal legislative bodies may jointly provide the notice required underthis section if all the requirements of this section are met as to each notice.
Amended by Chapter 90, 2010 General Session