17B-1-301. Board of trustees duties and powers. (1) (a) Each local district shall be governed by a board of trustees which shall manageand conduct the business and affairs of the district and shall determine all questions of districtpolicy.
(b) All powers of a local district are exercised through the board of trustees.
(2) The board of trustees may:
(a) fix the location of the local district's principal place of business and the location of alloffices and departments, if any;
(b) fix the times of meetings of the board of trustees;
(c) select and use an official district seal;
(d) employ employees and agents, or delegate to district officers power to employemployees and agents, for the operation of the local district and its properties and prescribe ordelegate to district officers the power to prescribe the duties, compensation, and terms andconditions of employment of those employees and agents;
(e) require district officers and employees charged with the handling of district funds toprovide surety bonds in an amount set by the board or provide a blanket surety bond to coverofficers and employees;
(f) contract for or employ professionals to perform work or services for the local districtthat cannot satisfactorily be performed by the officers or employees of the district;
(g) through counsel, prosecute on behalf of or defend the local district in all court actionsor other proceedings in which the district is a party or is otherwise involved;
(h) adopt bylaws for the orderly functioning of the board;
(i) adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the orderly operation of the local district orfor carrying out the district's purposes;
(j) prescribe a system of civil service for district employees;
(k) on behalf of the local district, enter into contracts that the board considers to be forthe benefit of the district;
(l) acquire, construct or cause to be constructed, operate, occupy, control, and usebuildings, works, or other facilities for carrying out the purposes of the local district;
(m) on behalf of the local district, acquire, use, hold, manage, occupy, and possessproperty necessary to carry out the purposes of the district, dispose of property when the boardconsiders it appropriate, and institute and maintain in the name of the district any action orproceeding to enforce, maintain, protect, or preserve rights or privileges associated with districtproperty;
(n) delegate to a district officer the exercise of a district duty; and
(o) exercise all powers and perform all functions in the operation of the local district andits properties as are ordinarily exercised by the governing body of a political subdivision of thestate and as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of the district.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session