17B-1-306.5. Dividing a local district into divisions. (1) Subject to Subsection (2), the board of trustees of a local district may, upon a vote oftwo-thirds of the members of the board, divide the local district into divisions so that some or allof the members of the board of trustees may be elected by division rather than at large.
(2) Before dividing a local district into divisions under Subsection (1) or before changingthe boundaries of divisions already established, the board of trustees shall:
(a) prepare a proposal that describes the boundaries of the proposed divisions; and
(b) hold a public hearing at which any interested person may appear and speak for oragainst the proposal.
(3) (a) The board of trustees shall review the division boundaries at least every 10 years.
(b) Except for changes in the divisions necessitated by annexations to or withdrawalsfrom the local district, the boundaries of divisions established under Subsection (1) may not bechanged more often than every five years.
(c) Changes to the boundaries of divisions already established under Subsection (1) arenot subject to the two-thirds vote requirement of Subsection (1).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session