17B-1-409. Public hearing on proposed annexation. (1) Except as provided in Sections
17B-1-413 and
17B-1-415, the board of trustees ofeach local district that certifies a petition that was filed under Subsection
17B-1-403(1)(a)(ii)(A)or (B), receives a resolution adopted under Subsection
17B-1-403(1)(b), or adopts a resolutionunder Subsection
17B-1-403(1)(c) shall hold a public hearing on the proposed annexation andprovide notice of the hearing as provided in Section
(2) Each public hearing under Subsection (1) shall be held:
(a) within 45 days after:
(i) if no notice to a county or municipal legislative body is required under Section
17B-1-406, petition certification under Section
17B-1-405; or
(ii) if notice is required under Section
17B-1-406, but no notice of intent is submitted bythe deadline:
(A) expiration of the deadline under Subsection
17B-1-407(1) to submit a notice ofintent; or
(B) termination of a suspension of the annexation proceeding under Subsection
(b) (i) for a local district located entirely within a single county:
(A) within or as close as practicable to the area proposed to be annexed; or
(B) at the local district office; or
(ii) for a local district located in more than one county:
(A) (I) within the county in which the area proposed to be annexed is located; and
(II) within or as close as practicable to the area proposed to be annexed; or
(B) if the local district office is reasonably accessible to all residents within the areaproposed to be annexed, at the local district office;
(c) on a weekday evening other than a holiday beginning no earlier than 6 p.m.; and
(d) for the purpose of allowing:
(i) the public to ask questions and obtain further information about the proposedannexation and issues raised by it; and
(ii) any interested person to address the board regarding the proposed annexation.
(3) A quorum of the board of trustees of the proposed annexing local district shall bepresent throughout each public hearing held under this section.
(4) (a) After holding a public hearing under this section or, if no hearing is held becauseof application of Subsection
17B-1-413(2)(a)(ii), after expiration of the time under Subsection
17B-1-413(2)(a)(ii)(B) for requesting a hearing, the board of trustees may by resolution deny theannexation and terminate the annexation procedure if:
(i) for a proposed annexation initiated by a petition under Subsection
17B-1-403(1)(a)(i)or (ii), the board determines that:
(A) it is not feasible for the local district to provide service to the area proposed to beannexed; or
(B) annexing the area proposed to be annexed would be inequitable to the owners of realproperty or residents already within the local district; or
(ii) for a proposed annexation initiated by resolution under Subsection
17B-1-403(1)(b)or (c), the board determines not to pursue annexation.
(b) In each resolution adopted under Subsection (4)(a), the board shall set forth itsreasons for denying the annexation.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session