17B-1-505. Withdrawal of municipality in certain districts providing fireprotection, paramedic, and emergency services or law enforcement service. (1) (a) The process to withdraw an area from a local district may be initiated by aresolution adopted by the legislative body of a municipality that is entirely within the boundariesof a local district:
(i) that provides:
(A) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; or
(B) law enforcement service; and
(ii) in the creation of which an election was not required because of Subsection
(b) Within 10 days after adopting a resolution under Subsection (1)(a), the municipallegislative body shall submit to the board of trustees of the local district written notice of theadoption of the resolution, accompanied by a copy of the resolution.
(2) If a resolution is adopted under Subsection (1)(a), the municipal legislative body shallhold an election at the next municipal general election that is more than 60 days after adoption ofthe resolution on the question of whether the municipality should withdraw from the localdistrict.
(3) If a majority of those voting on the question of withdrawal at an election held underSubsection (2) vote in favor of withdrawal, the municipality shall be withdrawn from the localdistrict.
(4) (a) Within 10 days after the canvass of an election at which a withdrawal under thissection is submitted to voters, the municipal legislative body shall send written notice to theboard of the local district from which the municipality is proposed to withdraw.
(b) Each notice under Subsection (4)(a) shall:
(i) state the results of the withdrawal election; and
(ii) if the withdrawal was approved by voters, be accompanied by a map or legaldescription of the area to be withdrawn, adequate for purposes of the county assessor andrecorder.
(5) The effective date of a withdrawal under this section is governed by Subsection
Amended by Chapter 218, 2009 General Session