17B-1-506. Withdrawal petition requirements. (1) Each petition under Section
17B-1-504 shall:
(a) indicate the typed or printed name and current address of each owner of acre-feet ofwater, property owner, registered voter, or authorized representative of the governing bodysigning the petition;
(b) separately group signatures by municipality and, in the case of unincorporated areas,by county;
(c) if it is a petition signed by the owners of land, the assessment of which is based onacre-feet of water, indicate the address of the property and the property tax identification parcelnumber of the property as to which the owner is signing the request;
(d) designate up to three signers of the petition as sponsors, or in the case of a petitionfiled under Subsection
17B-1-504(1)(a)(iv), designate a governmental representative as asponsor, and in each case, designate one sponsor as the contact sponsor with the mailing addressand telephone number of each;
(e) state the reasons for withdrawal; and
(f) when the petition is filed with the local district board of trustees, be accompanied by amap generally depicting the boundaries of the area proposed to be withdrawn and a legaldescription of the area proposed to be withdrawn.
(2) (a) The local district may prepare an itemized list of expenses, other than attorneyexpenses, that will necessarily be incurred by the local district in the withdrawal proceeding. Theitemized list of expenses may be submitted to the contact sponsor. If the list of expenses issubmitted to the contact sponsor within 21 days after receipt of the petition, the contact sponsoron behalf of the petitioners shall be required to pay the expenses to the local district within 90days of receipt. Until funds to cover the expenses are delivered to the local district, the districtwill have no obligation to proceed with the withdrawal and the time limits on the district stated inthis part will be tolled. If the expenses are not paid within the 90 days, or within 90 days fromthe conclusion of any arbitration under Subsection (2)(b), the petition requesting the withdrawalshall be considered to have been withdrawn.
(b) If there is no agreement between the board of trustees of the local district and thecontact sponsor on the amount of expenses that will necessarily be incurred by the local districtin the withdrawal proceeding, either the board of trustees or the contact sponsor may submit thematter to binding arbitration in accordance with Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 2, Alternative DisputeResolution Act; provided that, if the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator and the rules andprocedures that will control the arbitration, either party may pursue arbitration under Title 78B,Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
(3) A signer of a petition may withdraw or, once withdrawn, reinstate the signer'ssignature at any time before the public hearing under Section
17B-1-508 by submitting a writtenwithdrawal or reinstatement with the board of trustees of the local district in which the areaproposed to be withdrawn is located.
(4) If it reasonably appears that, if the withdrawal which is the subject of a petition filedunder Subsection
17B-1-504(1)(a)(i) or (ii) is granted, it will be necessary for a municipality toprovide to the withdrawn area the service previously supplied by the local district, the board oftrustees of the local district may, within 21 days after receiving the petition, notify the contactsponsor in writing that, before it will be considered by the board of trustees, the petition must bepresented to and approved by the governing body of the municipality as provided in Subsection
17B-1-504(1)(a)(iv) before it will be considered by the local district board of trustees. If thenotice is timely given to the contact sponsor, the petition shall be considered to have beenwithdrawn until the municipality files a petition with the local district under Subsection17B-1-504(1)(a)(iv).
(5) (a) After receiving the notice required by Subsection 17B-1-504(2), unlessspecifically allowed by law, a public entity may not make expenditures from public funds tosupport or oppose the gathering of signatures on a petition for withdrawal.
(b) Nothing in this section prohibits a public entity from providing factual informationand analysis regarding a withdrawal petition to the public, so long as the information grants equalaccess to both the opponents and proponents of the petition for withdrawal.
(c) Nothing in this section prohibits a public official from speaking, campaigning,contributing personal money, or otherwise exercising the public official's constitutional rights.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session