17B-1-508. Public hearing -- Quorum of board required to be present. (1) A public hearing on the proposed withdrawal shall be held by the board of trustees ofa local district that:
(a) certifies a petition under Subsection
17B-1-507(1)(b)(i) unless the petition was signedby all of the owners of private land within the area proposed to be withdrawn or all of theregistered voters residing within the area proposed to be withdrawn; or
(b) adopts a resolution under Subsection
(2) The public hearing required by Subsection (1) for a petition certified by the board oftrustees of a local district under Subsection
17B-1-507(1)(b)(i), other than a petition filed inaccordance with Subsection
17B-1-504(1)(a)(iv), may be held as an agenda item of a meeting ofthe board of trustees of the local district without complying with the requirements of Subsection(3)(b), (3)(c), or Section
(3) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the public hearing required by Subsection (1)shall be held:
(a) no later than 90 days after:
(i) certification of the petition under Subsection
17B-1-507(1)(b)(i); or
(ii) adoption of a resolution under Subsection
(b) (i) for a local district located entirely within a single county:
(A) within or as close as practicable to the area proposed to be withdrawn; or
(B) at the local district office; or
(ii) for a local district located in more than one county:
(A) (I) within the county in which the area proposed to be withdrawn is located; and
(II) within or as close as practicable to the area proposed to be withdrawn; or
(B) if the local district office is reasonably accessible to all residents within the areaproposed to be annexed, at the local district office;
(c) on a weekday evening other than a holiday beginning no earlier than 6:00 p.m.; and
(d) for the purpose of allowing:
(i) the public to ask questions and obtain further information about the proposedwithdrawal and issues raised by it; and
(ii) any interested person to address the board of trustees concerning the proposedwithdrawal.
(4) A quorum of the board of trustees of the local district shall be present throughout thepublic hearing provided for under this section.
(5) A public hearing under this section may be postponed or continued to a new time,date, and place without further notice by a resolution of the board of trustees adopted at thepublic hearing held at the time, date, and place specified in the published notice; provided,however, that the public hearing may not be postponed or continued to a date later than 15 daysafter the 90-day period under Subsection (3).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session