17B-1-607. Tentative budget to be prepared -- Review by governing body. (1) On or before the first regularly scheduled meeting of the board of trustees inNovember for a calendar year entity and May for a fiscal year entity, the budget officer of eachlocal district shall prepare for the ensuing year, on forms provided by the state auditor, and filewith the board of trustees a tentative budget for each fund for which a budget is required.
(2) (a) Each tentative budget under Subsection (1) shall provide in tabular form:
(i) actual revenues and expenditures for the last completed fiscal year;
(ii) estimated total revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year; and
(iii) the budget officer's estimates of revenues and expenditures for the budget year.
(b) The budget officer shall estimate the amount of revenue available to serve the needsof each fund, estimate the portion to be derived from all sources other than general propertytaxes, and estimate the portion that must be derived from general property taxes.
(3) The tentative budget, when filed by the budget officer with the board of trustees, shallcontain the estimates of expenditures together with specific work programs and any othersupporting data required by this part or requested by the board.
(4) The board of trustees shall review, consider, and tentatively adopt the tentativebudget in any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose and may amend or revisethe tentative budget in any manner that the board considers advisable prior to public hearings, butno appropriation required for debt retirement and interest or reduction of any existing deficitsunder Section
17B-1-613, or otherwise required by law, may be reduced below the minimums sorequired.
(5) When a new district is created, the board of trustees shall:
(a) prepare a budget covering the period from the date of incorporation to the end of thefiscal year;
(b) substantially comply with all other provisions of this part with respect to notices andhearings; and
(c) pass the budget as soon after incorporation as feasible.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session