17B-1-609. Hearing to consider adoption. (1) At the meeting at which the tentative budget is adopted, the board of trustees shall:
(a) establish the time and place of a public hearing to consider its adoption; and
(b) order that notice of the hearing:
(i) (A) be published at least seven days before the hearing in at least one issue of anewspaper of general circulation published in the county or counties in which the district islocated; or
(B) if no newspaper is published, be posted in three public places within the district; and
(ii) be published at least seven days before the hearing on the Utah Public NoticeWebsite created in Section
(2) If the budget hearing is held in conjunction with a tax increase hearing, the noticeshall be published in accordance with the advertisement provisions of Section
Amended by Chapter 90, 2010 General Session