17B-1-902. Lien for past due service fees -- Limitations. (1) (a) A local district may certify, to the treasurer of the county in which the customer'sproperty is located, past due fees and charges for commodities, services, or facilities that thedistrict has provided to the customer's property.
(b) Subject to Subsection (2), the past due fees and charges, including applicable interestand penalties, upon their certification under Subsection (1)(a), become a lien on the customer'sproperty to which the commodities, services, or facilities were provided, on a parity with andcollectible at the same time and in the same manner as general county taxes that are a lien on theproperty.
(2) A lien under Subsection (1) is not valid if certification under Subsection (1) is madeafter the filing for record of a document conveying title of the customer's property to a newowner.
(3) Nothing in this section may be construed to:
(a) waive or release the customer's obligation to pay fees or charges that the district hasimposed;
(b) preclude the certification of a lien under Subsection (1) with respect to past due feesor charges for commodities, services, or facilities provided after the date that title to the propertyis transferred to a new owner; or
(c) nullify or terminate a valid lien.
(4) After all amounts owing under a lien established as provided in this section have beenpaid, the local district shall file for record in the county recorder's office a release of the lien.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session