41-6a-1108. Bicycles and mopeds -- Turns -- Designated lanes. (1) A person riding a bicycle or moped and intending to turn left shall comply withSection
41-6a-801 or Subsection (2).
(2) (a) A person riding a bicycle or moped intending to turn left shall approach the turnas close as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway.
(b) After proceeding across the intersecting roadway, to the far corner of the curb orintersection of the roadway edges, the bicyclist or moped operator shall stop, as far out of theway of traffic as practical.
(c) After stopping, the bicyclist or moped operator shall yield to any traffic proceeding ineither direction along the roadway he had been using.
(d) After yielding and complying with any traffic-control device or peace officerregulating traffic, the bicyclist or moped operator may proceed in the new direction.
(3) (a) Notwithstanding Subsections (1) and (2), a highway authority in its respectivejurisdiction may place traffic-control devices that require and direct turning bicyclists and mopedoperators to travel a specific course.
(b) When the devices are placed under Subsection (3)(a), a person may not turn a bicycleother than as directed by the devices.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 2, 2005 General Session