Chapter 06a - Traffic Code
- 41-6a-101 - Title.
- 41-6a-102 - Definitions.
- 41-6a-201 - Chapter relates to vehicles on highways -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-202 - Violations of chapter -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-203 - Attempt, conspiracy, or other violations of chapter.
- 41-6a-204 - Requiring or knowingly permitting driver to unlawfully operate vehicle.
- 41-6a-205 - Government-owned vehicles subject to chapter.
- 41-6a-206 - Conflict with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
- 41-6a-207 - Uniform application of chapter -- Effect of local ordinances.
- 41-6a-208 - Regulatory powers of local highway authorities -- Traffic-control device affecting state highway -- Necessity of erecting traffic-control devices.
- 41-6a-209 - Obedience to peace officer or other traffic controllers -- Speeding in construction zones.
- 41-6a-210 - Failure to respond to officer's signal to stop -- Fleeing -- Causing property damage or bodily injury -- Suspension of driver's license -- Forfeiture of vehicle -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-211 - Vehicle subject to forfeiture -- Seizure -- Procedure.
- 41-6a-212 - Emergency vehicles -- Policy regarding vehicle pursuits -- Applicability of traffic law to highway work vehicles -- Exemptions.
- 41-6a-213 - Persons riding or driving animals subject to chapter -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-214 - Quasi-public roads and parking areas -- Local ordinances.
- 41-6a-215 - Right of real property owner to regulate traffic.
- 41-6a-216 - Removal of plants or other obstructions impairing view -- Notice to owner -- Penalty.
- 41-6a-217 - Volunteers may be authorized to enforce certain parking provisions.
- 41-6a-301 - Standards and specifications for uniform system of traffic-control devices and school crossing guards.
- 41-6a-302 - Placing and maintenance on state highways -- Restrictions on local authorities.
- 41-6a-303 - Definition of reduced speed school zone -- Operation of warning lights -- School crossing guard requirements -- Responsibility provisions -- Rulemaking authority.
- 41-6a-304 - Obeying devices -- Effect of improper position, illegibility, or absence -- Presumption of lawful placement and compliance with chapter.
- 41-6a-305 - Traffic-control signal -- At intersections -- At place other than intersection -- Color of light signal -- Inoperative traffic-control signals.
- 41-6a-306 - Pedestrian traffic-control signals -- Rights and duties.
- 41-6a-307 - Flashing red or yellow signals -- Rights and duties of operators -- Railroad grade crossings excluded.
- 41-6a-308 - Lane use control signals -- Colors.
- 41-6a-309 - Prohibition of unauthorized signs, signals, lights, or markings -- Commercial advertising -- Public nuisance -- Removal.
- 41-6a-310 - Private vehicle as emergency vehicle -- Rules.
- 41-6a-311 - Interference with traffic-control devices prohibited -- Traffic signal preemption device prohibited -- Exceptions -- Defense.
- 41-6a-401 - Accident involving property damage -- Duties of operator, occupant, and owner -- Exchange of information -- Notification of law enforcement -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-401.3 - Accident involving injury -- Stop at accident -- Penalty.
- 41-6a-401.5 - Accident involving death -- Stop at accident -- Penalty.
- 41-6a-401.7 - Accident involving injury, death, or property damage -- Duties of operator, occupant, and owner -- Exchange of information -- Notification of law enforcement -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-401.9 - Authority to remove and dispose of vehicles and cargoes of vehicles involved in accidents.
- 41-6a-402 - Accident reports -- Duty of operator and investigative officer to file.
- 41-6a-403 - Vehicle accidents -- Investigation and report of operator security -- Agency action if no security -- Surrender of plates -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-404 - Accident reports -- When confidential -- Insurance policy information -- Use as evidence -- Penalty for false information.
- 41-6a-405 - Garage keeper to report damaged vehicle without damage sticker.
- 41-6a-406 - Statistical information regarding accidents -- Annual publication.
- 41-6a-407 - Livestock on highway -- Restrictions -- Collision, action for damages.
- 41-6a-408 - Peace officer investigating accident to notify owner if livestock or broken fence involved -- Exempt from liability.
- 41-6a-501 - Definitions.
- 41-6a-502 - Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both or with specified or unsafe blood alcohol concentration -- Reporting of convictions.
- 41-6a-502.5 - Impaired driving -- Penalty -- Reporting of convictions -- Sentencing requirements.
- 41-6a-503 - Penalties for driving under the influence violations.
- 41-6a-504 - Defense not available for driving under the influence violation.
- 41-6a-505 - Sentencing requirements for driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both violations.
- 41-6a-506 - Electronic monitoring requirements for certain driving under the influence violations.
- 41-6a-507 - Supervised probation for certain driving under the influence violations.
- 41-6a-508 - Arrest without a warrant for a driving under the influence violation.
- 41-6a-509 - Driver license suspension or revocation for a driving under the influence violation.
- 41-6a-510 - Local DUI and related ordinances and reckless driving and impaired driving ordinances -- Consistent with code.
- 41-6a-511 - Courts to collect and maintain data.
- 41-6a-512 - Factual basis for alcohol or drug-related reckless driving plea.
- 41-6a-513 - Acceptance of plea of guilty to DUI -- Restrictions -- Verification of prior violations -- Prosecutor to examine defendant's record.
- 41-6a-514 - Procedures -- Adjudicative proceedings.
- 41-6a-515 - Standards for chemical breath or oral fluids analysis -- Evidence.
- 41-6a-516 - Admissibility of chemical test results in actions for driving under the influence -- Weight of evidence.
- 41-6a-517 - Definitions -- Driving with any measurable controlled substance in the body -- Penalties -- Arrest without warrant.
- 41-6a-518 - Ignition interlock devices -- Use -- Probationer to pay cost -- Impecuniosity -- Fee.
- 41-6a-518.1 - Tampering with an ignition interlock system.
- 41-6a-518.2 - Interlock restricted driver -- Penalties for operation without ignition interlock system.
- 41-6a-519 - Municipal attorneys for specified offenses may prosecute for certain DUI offenses and driving while license is suspended or revoked.
- 41-6a-520 - Implied consent to chemical tests for alcohol or drug -- Number of tests -- Refusal -- Warning, report.
- 41-6a-521 - Revocation hearing for refusal -- Appeal.
- 41-6a-522 - Person incapable of refusal.
- 41-6a-523 - Persons authorized to withdraw blood -- Immunity from liability.
- 41-6a-524 - Refusal as evidence.
- 41-6a-525 - Reporting test results -- Immunity from liability.
- 41-6a-526 (Superseded 07/01/11) - Drinking alcoholic beverage and open containers in motor vehicle prohibited -- Definitions -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-527 - Seizure and impoundment of vehicles by peace officers -- Impound requirements -- Removal of vehicle by owner -- Forfeiture.
- 41-6a-528 - Reckless driving -- Penalty.
- 41-6a-529 - Definitions -- Alcohol restricted drivers.
- 41-6a-530 - Alcohol restricted drivers -- Prohibited from operating a vehicle while having any measurable or detectable amount of alcohol in the person's body -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-601 - Speed regulations -- Safe and appropriate speeds at certain locations -- Prima facie speed limits -- Emergency power of the governor.
- 41-6a-602 - Speed limits established on state highways.
- 41-6a-603 - Speed limits established by counties and municipalities.
- 41-6a-604 - Maximum speed in a school zone -- Penalty -- Minimum fines -- Compensatory service -- Waiver -- Recordkeeping.
- 41-6a-604.5 - Speeding in a school zone complaint procedure.
- 41-6a-605 - Minimum speed regulations.
- 41-6a-606 - Speed contest or exhibition on highway -- Barricade or obstruction.
- 41-6a-607 - Speed violation -- Complaint -- Civil negligence.
- 41-6a-608 - Photo radar -- Restrictions on use.
- 41-6a-609 - Radar jamming devices and jamming radar prohibited -- Defense -- Exceptions -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-701 - Duty to operate vehicle on right side of roadway -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-702 - Left lane restrictions -- Exceptions -- Other lane restrictions -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-703 - Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.
- 41-6a-704 - Overtaking and passing vehicles proceeding in same direction.
- 41-6a-705 - Passing upon right -- When permissible.
- 41-6a-706 - Limitation on passing -- Prohibitions.
- 41-6a-706.5 - Operation of motor vehicle near bicycle prohibited.
- 41-6a-707 - Limitations on driving on left side of road -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-708 - Signs and markings on roadway -- No-passing zones -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-709 - One-way traffic.
- 41-6a-710 - Roadway divided into marked lanes -- Provisions -- Traffic-control devices.
- 41-6a-711 - Following another vehicle -- Safe distance -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-712 - Divided highway -- Use of right-hand side -- Crossing only where permitted.
- 41-6a-713 - Driving over gore area or island prohibited -- Exceptions -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-714 - Freeway and controlled-access highways -- Driving onto and from highways where permitted.
- 41-6a-715 - Controlled-access highways -- Prohibiting use by class or kind of traffic -- Traffic-control devices.
- 41-6a-716 - Driving on tollway without paying toll prohibited.
- 41-6a-801 - Turning -- Manner -- Traffic-control devices.
- 41-6a-802 - Turning around -- Where prohibited -- Visibility.
- 41-6a-803 - Moving a vehicle -- Safety.
- 41-6a-804 - Turning or changing lanes -- Safety -- Signals -- Stopping or sudden decrease in speed -- Signal flashing -- Where prohibited.
- 41-6a-901 - Right-of-way between vehicles -- Unregulated intersection.
- 41-6a-902 - Right-of-way -- Stop or yield signals -- Yield -- Collisions at intersections or junctions of roadways -- Evidence.
- 41-6a-903 - Yield right-of-way -- Vehicle turning left -- Entering or crossing highway other than from another roadway -- Merging lanes.
- 41-6a-904 - Approaching emergency vehicle -- Necessary signals -- Stationary emergency vehicle -- Duties of respective operators.
- 41-6a-905 - Vehicle or pedestrian working upon highway -- Right-of-way.
- 41-6a-906 - Designation of through highways -- Stop signs, yield signs, and traffic-control devices -- Designation of intersections as locations for preferential right-of-way treatment.
- 41-6a-907 - Vehicles emerging from alleys, buildings, private roads, or driveways must stop prior to sidewalk area or street.
- 41-6a-1001 - Pedestrians subject to traffic-control devices -- Other controls.
- 41-6a-1002 - Pedestrians' right-of-way -- Duty of pedestrian.
- 41-6a-1003 - Pedestrians yielding right-of-way -- Limits on pedestrians.
- 41-6a-1004 - Emergency vehicle -- Necessary signals -- Duties of operator -- Pedestrian to yield.
- 41-6a-1005 - Passing closed railroad or bridge gate or barrier prohibited.
- 41-6a-1006 - Vehicles to exercise due care to avoid pedestrians -- Audible signals and caution.
- 41-6a-1007 - Operators to yield right-of-way to blind pedestrian -- Duties of blind pedestrian -- Use of cane -- Failure to yield -- Liability.
- 41-6a-1008 - Vehicle crossing sidewalk -- Operator to yield.
- 41-6a-1009 - Use of roadway by pedestrians -- Prohibited activities.
- 41-6a-1010 - Unmarked crosswalk locations -- Restrictions on pedestrian.
- 41-6a-1011 - Pedestrian vehicles.
- 41-6a-1101 - Parents and guardians may not authorize child's violation of chapter.
- 41-6a-1102 - Bicycle and device propelled by human power and moped riders subject to chapter -- Exception.
- 41-6a-1103 - Carrying more persons than design permits prohibited -- Exception.
- 41-6a-1104 - Persons on bicycles, mopeds, skates, and sleds not to attach to moving vehicles -- Exception.
- 41-6a-1105 - Operation of bicycle or moped on and use of roadway -- Duties, prohibitions.
- 41-6a-1106 - Bicycles and human powered vehicle or device to yield right-of-way to pedestrians on sidewalks, paths, or trails -- Uses prohibited -- Negligent collision prohibited -- Speed restrictions
- 41-6a-1107 - Bicycles -- Parking on sidewalk, roadway -- Prohibitions.
- 41-6a-1108 - Bicycles and mopeds -- Turns -- Designated lanes.
- 41-6a-1109 - Bicycles and mopeds -- Turn signals -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-1110 - Bicycle and moped inspections -- At request of officer.
- 41-6a-1111 - Bicycle racing -- When approved -- Prohibitions -- Exceptions -- Authorized exemptions from traffic laws.
- 41-6a-1112 - Bicycles and mopeds -- Carrying bundle -- One hand on handlebars.
- 41-6a-1113 - Bicycle -- Prohibited equipment -- Brakes required.
- 41-6a-1114 - Bicycles -- Lamps and reflective material required.
- 41-6a-1115 - Motor assisted scooters -- Conflicting provisions -- Restrictions -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-1116 - Electric personal assistive mobility devices -- Conflicting provisions -- Restrictions -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-1116.5 - Local ordinances regulating electric personal assistive mobility devices.
- 41-6a-1117 - Mini-motorcycle restrictions -- Exceptions.
- 41-6a-1201 - Driving on tracks.
- 41-6a-1202 - Driving through safety zone.
- 41-6a-1203 - Railroad grade crossing -- Duty to stop -- Malfunctions and school buses -- Driving through, around, or under gate or barrier prohibited.
- 41-6a-1204 - Trains -- Interference with vehicles limited.
- 41-6a-1205 - Railroad grade crossings -- Certain vehicles must stop -- Exceptions -- Rules.
- 41-6a-1206 - Railroad crossing duties respecting crawler type tractor, power shovel, derrick, or other equipment or structure.
- 41-6a-1301 - Standards and specifications for lighting and special warning devices on school buses.
- 41-6a-1302 - School bus -- Signs and light signals -- Flashing amber lights -- Flashing red lights -- Passing school bus -- Duty to stop -- Travel in opposite direction -- Penalties.
- 41-6a-1303 - Passing a school bus complaint procedure.
- 41-6a-1304 - School buses -- Rules regarding design and operation.
- 41-6a-1305 - Violation of rules -- Penalty.
- 41-6a-1306 - School buses removed from service -- Removal of markings -- Repainting -- School district not to bear expense -- Infraction.
- 41-6a-1307 - School bus parking zones -- Establishment -- Uniform markings -- Penalty.
- 41-6a-1308 - School bus idling standards.
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