41-6a-1205. Railroad grade crossings -- Certain vehicles must stop -- Exceptions --Rules. (1) An operator of a commercial motor vehicle, as defined under Section
53-3-102, shallupon approaching a railroad grade crossing:
(a) unless Subsection (2) applies, slow down and check that the tracks are clear of anapproaching train;
(b) stop within 50 feet, but not closer than 15 feet, from the nearest rail of the railroadtrack before reaching the crossing if the tracks are not clear;
(c) obey all traffic control devices or the directions of a peace officer, or other crossingofficial at the crossing; and
(d) before proceeding over a railroad grade crossing:
(i) ensure that the vehicle has sufficient space to drive completely through a railroadgrade crossing without stopping; and
(ii) ensure that the vehicle has sufficient undercarriage clearance to safely and completelypass through the crossing.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the operator of a vehicle described in 49CFR 392.10 shall stop within 50 feet, but not closer than 15 feet, from the nearest rail of therailroad track before crossing, at grade, any track of a railroad.
(b) While stopped, the operator shall look in both directions along the track for any signof an approaching train and look and listen for signals indicating the approach of any train.
(c) The operator may proceed across the railroad track only when the movement may bemade with reasonable safety.
(d) After stopping as required and upon safely proceeding, the operator shall only crossthe railroad track in a gear that ensures no necessity for manually changing gears while traversingthe crossing.
(e) The operator may not manually shift gears while crossing the railroad track.
(3) This section does not apply at a:
(a) railroad grade crossing where traffic is controlled by a peace officer or other crossingofficial;
(b) railroad grade crossing where traffic is regulated by a traffic-control signal;
(c) railroad grade crossing where a traffic-control device gives notice that the stopping requirements of this section are not applicable; or
(d) other railroad grade crossings excluded under 49 CFR 392.10.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 2, 2005 General Session