41-6a-303. Definition of reduced speed school zone -- Operation of warning lights --School crossing guard requirements -- Responsibility provisions -- Rulemaking authority. (1) As used in this section "reduced speed school zone" means a designated length of ahighway extending from a school zone speed limit sign with warning lights operating to an endschool zone sign.
(2) The Department of Transportation for state highways and local highway authorities for highways under their jurisdiction:
(a) shall establish reduced speed school zones at elementary schools after writtenassurance by a local highway authority that the local highway authority complies withSubsections (3) and (4); and
(b) may establish reduced speed school zones for secondary schools at the request of thelocal highway authority.
(3) For all reduced speed school zones on highways, including state highways within thejurisdictional boundaries of a local highway authority, the local highway authority shall:
(a) (i) provide shuttle service across highways for school children; or
(ii) provide, train, and supervise school crossing guards in accordance with this section;
(b) provide for the:
(i) operation of reduced speed school zones, including providing power to warning lightsand turning on and off the warning lights as required under Subsections (4) and (5); and
(ii) maintenance of reduced speed school zones except on state highways as provided inSection
41-6a-302; and
(c) notify the Department of Transportation of reduced speed school zones on statehighways that are in need of maintenance.
(4) While children are going to or leaving school during opening and closing hours allreduced speed school zones shall have:
(a) the warning lights operating on each school zone speed limit sign; and
(b) a school crossing guard present if the reduced speed school zone is for an elementaryschool.
(5) The warning lights on a school zone speed limit sign may not be operating except asprovided under Subsection (4).
(6) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,the Department of Transportation shall make rules establishing criteria and specifications for the:
(i) establishment, location, and operation of school crosswalks, school zones, andreduced speed school zones;
(ii) training, use, and supervision of school crossing guards at elementary schools andsecondary schools; and
(iii) content and implementation of child access routing plans under Section
(b) If a school crosswalk is established at a signalized intersection in accordance with therequirements of this section, a local highway authority may reduce the speed limit at thesignalized intersection to 20 miles per hour for a highway under its jurisdiction.
(7) Each local highway authority shall pay for providing, training, and supervising schoolcrossing guards in accordance with this section.
Amended by Chapter 299, 2010 General Session