76-10-111. Prohibition of gift or free distribution of smokeless tobacco or electroniccigarettes -- Exceptions. (1) The Legislature finds that:
(a) smokeless tobacco, or chewing tobacco, is harmful to the health of individuals whouse those products because research indicates that they may cause mouth or oral cancers;
(b) the use of smokeless tobacco among juveniles in this state is increasing rapidly;
(c) the use of electronic cigarettes may lead to unhealthy behavior such as the use oftobacco products; and
(d) it is necessary to restrict the gift of the products described in this Subsection (1) in theinterest of the health of the citizens of this state.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), it is unlawful for a manufacturer, wholesaler,and retailer to give or distribute without charge any smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, orelectronic cigarette in this state. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a class Cmisdemeanor for the first offense, and is guilty of a class B misdemeanor for any subsequentoffense.
(3) (a) Smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, or an electronic cigarette may be distributedto adults without charge at professional conventions where the general public is excluded.
(b) Subsection (2) does not apply to a retailer, manufacturer, or distributor who givessmokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, or an electronic cigarette to a person of legal age upon theperson's purchase of another tobacco product or electronic cigarette.
Amended by Chapter 114, 2010 General Session