Chapter 10 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, Welfare, and Morals
- 76-10-101 - Definitions.
- 76-10-102 - Cigarettes and tobacco -- Advertising restrictions -- Warnings in smokeless tobacco advertisements.
- 76-10-103 - Permitting minors to use tobacco in place of business.
- 76-10-104 - Providing a cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, or tobacco to a minor -- Penalties.
- 76-10-104.1 - Providing tobacco paraphernalia to minors -- Penalties.
- 76-10-105 - Buying or possessing a cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, or tobacco by a minor -- Penalty -- Compliance officer authority -- Juvenile court jurisdiction.
- 76-10-105.1 - Requirement of direct, face-to-face sale of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes -- Supremacy clause -- Penalties.
- 76-10-105.3 - Prohibition of sale or gift of clove cigarettes.
- 76-10-107 - Abuse of psychotoxic chemical solvents.
- 76-10-107.5 - Abuse of nitrous oxide -- Penalty.
- 76-10-111 - Prohibition of gift or free distribution of smokeless tobacco or electronic cigarettes -- Exceptions.
- 76-10-112 - Prohibition of distribution of cigarettes or other tobacco products -- Exceptions.
- 76-10-201 - Interference with water flow.
- 76-10-202 - Taking water out of turn or excess amount -- Damaging facilities.
- 76-10-203 - Obstruction of watergates.
- 76-10-204 - Damaging bridge, dam, canal or other water-related structure.
- 76-10-302 - Marking of containers of explosives before transportation or storage.
- 76-10-303 - Powder houses.
- 76-10-304 - Marking of containers of explosives held for sale or use.
- 76-10-305 - Different dates on containers of explosives prohibited -- Reuse of containers prohibited.
- 76-10-306 - Explosive, chemical, or incendiary device and parts -- Definitions -- Persons exempted -- Penalties.
- 76-10-307 - Explosive, chemical, or incendiary device -- Delivery to common carrier or mailing.
- 76-10-308 - Explosive, chemical, or incendiary device -- Venue of prosecution for shipping.
- 76-10-401 - Definitions.
- 76-10-402 - Manufacture, possession, sale, use, or attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction prohibited -- Penalties.
- 76-10-403 - Manufacture, possession, sale, use, or attempted use of a hoax weapon of mass destruction prohibited -- Penalty.
- 76-10-404 - Exemptions.
- 76-10-405 - Reimbursement of government response expenses.
- 76-10-500 - Uniform law.
- 76-10-501 - Definitions.
- 76-10-502 - When weapon deemed loaded.
- 76-10-503 - Restrictions on possession, purchase, transfer, and ownership of dangerous weapons by certain persons.
- 76-10-504 - Carrying concealed dangerous weapon -- Penalties.
- 76-10-505 - Carrying loaded firearm in vehicle or on street.
- 76-10-505.5 - Possession of a dangerous weapon, firearm, or sawed-off shotgun on or about school premises -- Penalties.
- 76-10-506 - Threatening with or using dangerous weapon in fight or quarrel.
- 76-10-507 - Possession of deadly weapon with intent to assault.
- 76-10-508 - Discharge of firearm from a vehicle, near a highway, or in direction of any person, building, or vehicle -- Penalties.
- 76-10-508.1 - Felony discharge of a firearm -- Penalties.
- 76-10-509 - Possession of dangerous weapon by minor.
- 76-10-509.4 - Prohibition of possession of certain weapons by minors.
- 76-10-509.5 - Penalties for providing certain weapons to a minor.
- 76-10-509.6 - Parent or guardian providing firearm to violent minor.
- 76-10-509.7 - Parent or guardian knowing of minor's possession of dangerous weapon.
- 76-10-509.9 - Sales of firearms to juveniles.
- 76-10-511 - Possession of loaded firearm at residence or on real property authorized.
- 76-10-512 - Target concessions, shooting ranges, competitions, and hunting excepted from prohibitions.
- 76-10-520 - Number or mark assigned to pistol or revolver by Department of Public Safety.
- 76-10-521 - Unlawful marking of pistol or revolver.
- 76-10-522 - Alteration of number or mark on pistol or revolver.
- 76-10-523 - Persons exempt from weapons laws.
- 76-10-523.5 - Compliance with rules for secure facilities.
- 76-10-524 - Purchase of firearms pursuant to federal law.
- 76-10-525 - Disposition of weapons after use for court purposes.
- 76-10-526 - Criminal background check prior to purchase of a firearm -- Fee -- Exemption for concealed firearm permit holders.
- 76-10-527 - Penalties.
- 76-10-528 - Carrying a dangerous weapon while under influence of alcohol or drugs unlawful.
- 76-10-529 - Possession of dangerous weapons, firearms, or explosives in airport secure areas prohibited -- Penalty.
- 76-10-530 - Trespass with a firearm in a house of worship or private residence -- Notice -- Penalty.
- 76-10-601 - Definitions.
- 76-10-602 - Use of person's name without consent for soliciting contribution prohibited -- Exception.
- 76-10-603 - Use of name without consent on stationery or as one who contributed to organization prohibited.
- 76-10-604 - Violations -- Classification of offense.
- 76-10-701 - Definitions.
- 76-10-702 - Fraudulent signing of stock subscriptions.
- 76-10-703 - Fraudulent documents relating to organization or increase of capital stock.
- 76-10-704 - Misrepresenting person as officer, agent, member or promoter.
- 76-10-705 - Concurrence by director in dividend or division of capital in violation of law.
- 76-10-706 - Unlawful acts by director, officer or agent.
- 76-10-707 - False reports.
- 76-10-708 - Refusing inspection of books.
- 76-10-709 - Presumption of director's knowledge of affairs.
- 76-10-710 - Presumption of director's concurrence in action if present at meeting -- Written dissent required.
- 76-10-711 - Foreign corporations subject to laws.
- 76-10-801 - "Nuisance" defined -- Violation -- Classification of offense.
- 76-10-802 - Befouling waters.
- 76-10-803 - "Public nuisance" defined -- Agricultural operations.
- 76-10-804 - Maintaining, committing or failing to remove public nuisance -- Classification of offense.
- 76-10-805 - Carcass or offal -- Prohibitions relating to disposal -- Classification of offense.
- 76-10-806 - Action for abatement of public nuisance.
- 76-10-807 - Violation of order enjoining a public nuisance.
- 76-10-808 - Relief granted for public nuisance.
- 76-10-900.5 - Title.
- 76-10-901 - Definitions.
- 76-10-902 - Fraudulent practices to affect market price.
- 76-10-903 - Unfair discrimination in competitive practices.
- 76-10-904 - Corporation guilty of unfair discrimination -- Action by attorney general.
- 76-10-905 - Penalty for violation.
- 76-10-906 - Unfair discrimination by buyer of milk, cream or butterfat -- Classification of offense.
- 76-10-907 - Records of sales and purchases -- Identification required.
- 76-10-907.1 - Notice to sellers of identification requirements.
- 76-10-907.2 - Qualifications to sell to dealer.
- 76-10-907.3 - Restrictions on the purchase of regulated metal -- Exemption.
- 76-10-908 - Violation by dealer -- Penalty -- Local regulation not less stringent.
- 76-10-910 - Falsification of seller's statement to dealer.
- 76-10-910.5 - Hold on stolen regulated metal property -- Hold notice.
- 76-10-911 - Antitrust Act -- Short title.
- 76-10-912 - Legislative findings -- Purpose of act.
- 76-10-913 - Definitions.
- 76-10-914 - Illegal anticompetitive activities.
- 76-10-915 - Exempt activities.
- 76-10-916 - Attorney General's powers -- Investigations -- Institution of actions -- Cooperation.
- 76-10-917 - Civil antitrust investigations -- Demand for production of documents and responses to written interrogatories -- Oral examination -- Judicial order for compliance -- Confidentiality -- Sub
- 76-10-918 - Attorney general may bring action for injunctive relief, damages, or civil penalty.
- 76-10-919 - Person may bring action for injunctive relief and damages -- Treble damages -- Recovery of actual damages or civil penalty by state or political subdivisions -- Immunity of political subdi
- 76-10-920 - Fine and imprisonment for violation -- Certain vertical agreements excluded -- Nolo contendere.
- 76-10-921 - Conviction as prima facie evidence in action for injunctive relief or damages.
- 76-10-922 - Attorney General Litigation Fund.
- 76-10-923 - Attorney general to advocate competition.
- 76-10-924 - Venue of actions by state -- Transfer.
- 76-10-925 - Statute of limitations.
- 76-10-926 - Interpretation of act.
- 76-10-1001 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1002 - Forging or counterfeiting trademark, trade name or trade device.
- 76-10-1003 - Selling goods under counterfeited trademark, trade name or trade device.
- 76-10-1004 - Sales in containers bearing registered trademark of substituted articles.
- 76-10-1005 - Using, destroying, concealing or possessing articles with registered trademark or service mark to deprive owner of use or possession -- Exception.
- 76-10-1006 - Selling or dealing with articles bearing registered trademark or service mark with intent to defraud.
- 76-10-1007 - Use of registered trademark without consent.
- 76-10-1008 - Inspections by trade commission.
- 76-10-1009 - Violation as unfair trade practice and unfair competition -- Investigation and enforcement proceedings by trade commission.
- 76-10-1010 - Action by law enforcement agencies on complaints.
- 76-10-1101 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1102 - Gambling.
- 76-10-1103 - Gambling fraud.
- 76-10-1104 - Gambling promotion.
- 76-10-1104.5 - Advertisement or solicitation for participation in lotteries -- Void in Utah.
- 76-10-1105 - Possessing a gambling device or record.
- 76-10-1106 - Duty of prosecuting attorney or law enforcement officer to prosecute offenses.
- 76-10-1107 - Seizure and sale of devices or equipment used for gambling.
- 76-10-1108 - Seizure and disposition of gambling debts or proceeds.
- 76-10-1109 - Confidence game -- Punishment as for theft -- Description in charge.
- 76-10-1201 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1203 - Pornographic material or performance -- Expert testimony not required.
- 76-10-1204 - Distributing pornographic material -- Penalties -- Exemptions for Internet service providers and hosting companies.
- 76-10-1205 - Inducing acceptance of pornographic material -- Exemptions for Internet service providers and hosting companies.
- 76-10-1206 - Dealing in material harmful to a minor -- Penalties -- Exemptions for Internet service providers and hosting companies.
- 76-10-1207 - Use of real property by tenant or occupant -- Voiding of lease -- Allowance of such use by owner or lessor.
- 76-10-1207.5 - Exemption -- Corrections treatment, programs.
- 76-10-1208 - Affirmative defenses.
- 76-10-1209 - Injunctive relief -- Jurisdiction -- Consent to be sued.
- 76-10-1210 - Relation to other laws.
- 76-10-1211 - Separability clause.
- 76-10-1212 - Search and seizure -- Affidavit -- Issuance of warrant -- Hearing upon claim that material seized not pornographic or harmful to minors -- Procedures cumulative.
- 76-10-1213 - Corporate defendants -- Summons -- Subpoena duces tecum.
- 76-10-1214 - Conspiracy an offense -- Punishment.
- 76-10-1215 - Prosecution by county, district, or city attorney -- Fines payable to county or city.
- 76-10-1216 - Distribution of motion picture films -- Definitions.
- 76-10-1217 - Intent to prevent commercial distribution and exhibition of pornographic films--Local regulation and other laws not limited.
- 76-10-1218 - Qualification for exhibition and distribution of films required.
- 76-10-1219 - Qualification for distribution of films.
- 76-10-1220 - Change of registered office or agent by film distributor.
- 76-10-1221 - Service of process, notice, or demand on registered agent of film distributor.
- 76-10-1222 - Distribution of pornographic film -- Penalties for violations.
- 76-10-1223 - Distribution of film without being qualified -- Exhibition of film not acquired from qualified distributor -- Penalties for violations.
- 76-10-1224 - Defense to prosecution for distribution or exhibition of pornographic film -- Status as projectionist or other employee no defense.
- 76-10-1225 - Prosecution of pornographic film violations by county attorney, district attorney, or city attorney.
- 76-10-1226 - Exemptions from application of film distribution act.
- 76-10-1227 - Indecent public displays -- Definitions.
- 76-10-1228 - Indecent public displays -- Prohibitions -- Penalty.
- 76-10-1229 - Distribution of pornographic material through cable television prohibited -- Definitions -- Prosecution of violation.
- 76-10-1229.5 - Breast feeding is not violation of this part.
- 76-10-1230 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1231 - Data service providers -- Internet content harmful to minors.
- 76-10-1233 - Content providers -- Material harmful to minors.
- 76-10-1234 - Rulemaking authority.
- 76-10-1235 - Accessing pornographic or indecent material on school property.
- 76-10-1301 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1302 - Prostitution.
- 76-10-1303 - Patronizing a prostitute.
- 76-10-1304 - Aiding prostitution.
- 76-10-1305 - Exploiting prostitution.
- 76-10-1306 - Aggravated exploitation of prostitution.
- 76-10-1307 - Local ordinance consistent with code provisions.
- 76-10-1308 - Prosecution.
- 76-10-1309 - Enhanced penalties -- HIV positive offender.
- 76-10-1310 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1311 - Mandatory testing -- Retention of offender medical file -- Civil liability.
- 76-10-1312 - Notice to offender of HIV positive test results.
- 76-10-1313 - Sexual solicitation -- Penalty.
- 76-10-1314 - Examination of testing procedures and results in legal proceedings.
- 76-10-1501 - Short title.
- 76-10-1502 - Legislative findings.
- 76-10-1503 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1504 - Bus hijacking -- Assault with intent to commit hijacking -- Use of a dangerous weapon or firearm -- Penalties.
- 76-10-1505 - Discharging firearms and hurling missiles into buses and terminals -- Exception.
- 76-10-1506 (Superseded 07/01/11) - Threatening breach of peace -- Disorderly conduct -- Foul language -- Refusing requests -- Use of controlled substance, liquor, or tobacco -- Ejection of passenger.
- 76-10-1507 - Exclusion of persons without bona fide business from terminal -- Firearms and dangerous materials -- Surveillance devices and seizure of offending materials -- Detention of violators -- P
- 76-10-1508 - Theft of baggage or cargo.
- 76-10-1509 - Obstructing operation of bus.
- 76-10-1510 - Obstructing operation of bus -- Conspiracy.
- 76-10-1511 - Cumulative and supplemental nature of act.
- 76-10-1601 - Short title.
- 76-10-1602 (Superseded 07/01/11) - Definitions.
- 76-10-1603 - Unlawful acts.
- 76-10-1603.5 - Violation a felony -- Costs -- Forfeiture -- Fines -- Divestiture -- Restrictions -- Dissolution or reorganization -- Prior restraint.
- 76-10-1604 - Enforcement authority of peace officers.
- 76-10-1605 - Remedies of person injured by a pattern of unlawful activity -- Double damages -- Costs, including attorney fees -- Arbitration -- Agency -- Burden of proof -- Actions by attorney general
- 76-10-1607 - Evidentiary value of criminal judgment in civil proceeding.
- 76-10-1608 - Severability clause.
- 76-10-1609 - Prospective application.
- 76-10-1801 (Superseded 11/01/10) - Communications fraud -- Elements -- Penalties.
- 76-10-1901 - Short title.
- 76-10-1902 - Definitions.
- 76-10-1903 - Money laundering.
- 76-10-1904 - Money laundering -- Penalty.
- 76-10-1906 - Reporting -- Criminal and civil penalties -- Enforcement.
- 76-10-1907 - Separate offenses.
- 76-10-1908 - Forfeiture -- Grounds -- Procedure -- Disposition of property seized.
- 76-10-2001 - Definitions.
- 76-10-2002 - Burglary of a research facility -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2101 - Use of recycling bins -- Prohibited items -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2201 - Unlawful body piercing and tattooing of a minor -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2301 - Contributing to the delinquency of a minor -- Definitions -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2401 - Definitions.
- 76-10-2402 - Commercial obstruction -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2501 - Unlawful use of a laser pointer -- Definitions -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2601 - Fencing of shafts and wells.
- 76-10-2701 - Destructive or injurious materials on parks, recreation areas, waterways, or other public or private lands -- Enforcement officers -- Litter receptacles required.
- 76-10-2702 - Penalty for littering on a park, recreation area, waterway, or other public or private land.
- 76-10-2801 - Vehicle compartment for contraband -- Penalties.
- 76-10-2901 - Transporting or harboring aliens -- Definition -- Penalty.
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