76-10-1208. Affirmative defenses. (1) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this part that the distribution ofpornographic material is restricted to institutions or persons having scientific, educational,governmental, or other similar justification for possessing pornographic material.
(2) It is not a defense to prosecution under this part that the actor is a motion pictureprojectionist, usher, ticket-taker, bookstore employee, or otherwise is required to violate this partincident to the person's employment.
(3) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under Section
76-10-1227, or
76-10-1228 for displaying or exhibiting an outer portion of material, that the material is:
(a) in a sealed opaque wrapper that covers at least the lower 2/3 of the material so thatthe lower 2/3 of the material is concealed from view;
(b) placed behind a blinder rack; or
(c) displayed in an area from which a minor is physically excluded if the material cannotbe viewed by the minor from an area in which a minor is allowed.
Amended by Chapter 123, 2007 General Session