76-10-1217. Intent to prevent commercial distribution and exhibition ofpornographic films--Local regulation and other laws not limited. (1) It is the intent of this act to prevent the commercial distribution and exhibition of filmsin this state which are pornographic. There is substantial evidence that elements of organizedcrime have engaged to an increasing degree in the production and distribution of such films and,therefore, it is the further intent of this act to facilitate the criminal prosecution of distributors ofpornographic films.
(2) It is not the intent of this act to limit the regulation of films by counties, cities, towns,and other political subdivisions within the state, and these subdivisions are specifically given theright by this act to further regulate films. Nor is it the intent of this act to limit or abridge thepower to otherwise prosecute violations of any other provisions of law including, but not limitedto, those provisions of Part 12 of Title 76, Chapter 10.
Enacted by Chapter 93, 1977 General Session