76-10-2001. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Building," in addition to its commonly-accepted meaning, means any watercraft,aircraft, trailer, sleeping car, or other structure or vehicle adapted for overnight accommodationsof persons or for carrying on business and includes:
(a) each separately secured or occupied portion of the building or vehicle; and
(b) each structure appurtenant or connected to the building or vehicle.
(2) "Enter" means:
(a) an intrusion of any part of the body; or
(b) the intrusion of any physical object, sound wave, light ray, electronic signal, or othermeans of intrusion under the control of the actor.
(3) "Research" means studious and serious inquiry, examination, investigation, orexperimentation aimed at the discovery, examination, or accumulation of facts, data, devices,theories, technologies, or applications done for any public, governmental, proprietorial, orteaching purpose.
(4) "Research facility" means any building, or separately secured yard, pad, pond,laboratory, pasture, pen, or corral which is not open to the public, the major use of which is toconduct research, to house research subjects, to store supplies, equipment, samples, specimens,records, data, prototypes, or other property used in or generated from research.
Enacted by Chapter 179, 1989 General Session