76-10-802. Befouling waters. A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if he:
(1) Constructs or maintains a corral, sheep pen, goat pen, stable, pigpen, chicken coop, orother offensive yard or outhouse where the waste or drainage therefrom shall flow directly intothe waters of any stream, well, or spring of water used for domestic purposes; or
(2) Deposits, piles, unloads, or leaves any manure heap, offensive rubbish, or the carcassof any dead animal where the waste or drainage therefrom will flow directly into the waters ofany stream, well, or spring of water used for domestic purposes; or
(3) Dips or washes sheep in any stream, or constructs, maintains, or uses any pool ordipping vat for dipping or washing sheep in such close proximity to any stream used by theinhabitants of any city or town for domestic purposes as to make the waters thereof impure orunwholesome; or
(4) Constructs or maintains any corral, yard, or vat to be used for the purpose of shearingor dipping sheep within 12 miles of any city or town, where the refuse or filth from the corral oryard would naturally find its way into any stream of water used by the inhabitants of any city ortown for domestic purposes; or
(5) Establishes and maintains any corral, camp, or bedding place for the purpose ofherding, holding, or keeping any cattle, horses, sheep, goats, or hogs within seven miles of anycity or town, where the refuse or filth from the corral, camp, or bedding place will naturally findits way into any stream of water used by the inhabitants of any city or town for domesticpurposes.
Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session