76-10-808. Relief granted for public nuisance. If the existence of a public nuisance as defined by subsection
76-10-803(1)(b) is admittedor established, either in a civil or criminal proceeding, a judgment shall be entered which shall:
(a) Permanently enjoin each defendant and any other person from further maintaining thenuisance at the place complained of and each defendant from maintaining such nuisanceelsewhere;
(b) Direct the person enjoined to surrender to the sheriff of the county in which the actionwas brought any material in his possession which is subject to the injunction, and the sheriff shallseize and destroy this material; and
(c) Without proof of special injury direct that an accounting be had and all money andother consideration paid as admission to view any motion picture film determined to constitute apublic nuisance, or paid for any publication determined to constitute a public nuisance, in eithercase without deduction for expenses, be forfeited and paid into the general fund of the countywhere the nuisance was maintained.
Enacted by Chapter 92, 1977 General Session