§ 2743. Dairy laboratories
(a) The secretary shall, at least annually, inspect or cause to be inspected all premises where dairy products are tested to determine the basis of payment or acceptance. Each handler shall notify the secretary of the place in which tests of producer's dairy products are conducted. Such tests shall be performed only by licensed technicians.
(b) The secretary shall at least annually inspect approved dairy laboratories and if qualified they shall be so certified by the secretary.
(c) In the event that an approved dairy laboratory in which tests are made does not comply with the provisions of this part or regulations issued thereunder, the secretary may forbid its use until subsequent inspection indicates compliance.
(d) In case the producer's milk is transported from the farm to a milk plant in another state, the purchaser shall keep the samples and test them at some approved place within the state of Vermont, or if the purchaser elects and agrees to pay the additional cost of supervision by the secretary or his agent, he may test the samples in another state in the plant where the milk is first received from the farm. All testing shall be done by persons holding a testing license issued by the secretary. The secretary may enter the premises of a milk handler and take possession of any or all samples including those from milk producers' deliveries and test them. (1965, No. 175, § 11; amended 2003, No. 42, § 2, eff. May 27, 2003.)