§ 3310. Additional prohibited acts: labeling; denaturing; dealing in dead, dying, disabled and diseased animals; licensing
(a) No person shall sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in intrastate commerce, any carcasses of horses, mules, or other equines or parts of these carcasses, or the meat or meat food products of these carcasses unless they are plainly and conspicuously marked or labeled or otherwise identified as required by rules prescribed by the secretary to show the kinds of animals from which they were derived.
(b) No person shall buy, sell, transport, or offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in intrastate commerce, any livestock products or poultry products which are not intended for use as human food unless they are denatured or otherwise identified as required by the rules of the secretary or are naturally inedible by humans.
(c) No person engaged in the business of buying, selling, or transporting in intrastate commerce, dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animals, or any parts of the carcasses of any animals that died other than by slaughter, shall buy, sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation in commerce, any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock or poultry or the products of any of these animals that died other than by slaughter, unless the transaction or transportation is made in accordance with rules which the secretary may prescribe to assure that the animals, or the unwholesome parts or products, will be prevented from being used for human food purposes.
(d) No person shall engage in the business of buying, selling, preparing, processing, packing, storing, transporting, or otherwise handling meat, meat food products, or poultry products, unless that person holds a valid license issued in accordance with section 3306 of this title. (Added 1985, No. 226 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. June 2, 1986; amended 2003, No. 42, § 2, eff. May 27, 2003.)