§ 1085. Mosquito control grant program
(a) A mosquito control district formed pursuant to chapter 121 of Title 24 may apply, in a manner prescribed by the secretary, in writing to the secretary of agriculture, food and markets for a state assistance grant for mosquito control activities.
(b) After submission of an application under subsection (a) of this section, the secretary of agriculture, food and markets may award a grant of 75 percent or less of the project costs for the purchase and application of larvicide. The mosquito control district may provide 25 percent of the project costs through in-kind services, including adulticide application or the purchase of capital equipment used for mosquito control activities.
(c) The secretary of agriculture, food and markets shall make awards under this section to priority projects to the extent funds are available. In establishing priorities for individual projects, the agency shall consider the following:
(1) The history of mosquito breeding in the mosquito control district based on epizootic mosquito population;
(2) The history of mosquito populations in the mosquito control district in relation to mosquito breeding areas; and
(3) A recommendation by the agency of agriculture, food and markets or a local survey approved by the agency of agriculture, food and markets regarding local mosquito breeding habitat or adult mosquito populations within the mosquito control district.
(d) Prior to an award of a grant under this section, a mosquito control district shall provide the secretary of agriculture, food and markets with proof of financial insurance for mosquito control activities and shall submit a notice of intent to apply for a permit issued under section 1083 of this title.
(e) Larvicide application funded in part under this section shall occur only after the secretary of agriculture, food and markets approves treatment as warranted within a mosquito control district. The approval of the secretary shall be based upon a biological assessment of mosquito larvae and pupae populations by a technician trained and approved by the agency of agriculture, food and markets.
(f) The secretary of agriculture, food and markets may use state funds appropriated for mosquito control assistance under this section for mosquito control projects or studies that are in the best interests of the state when an appropriate mosquito control district is not available or not eligible to receive a grant.
(g) The secretary may adopt rules to carry out the provisions of this section. (Added 2007, No. 34, § 1, eff. May 18, 2007.)