§ 13.1-526. Transition.
Registrations of dealers and agents under prior law shall continue asregistrations as broker-dealers and agents under this chapter until April 30following the effective date of this chapter. Licenses issued under § 13-128of the Code of 1950 shall continue in effect until April 30 following theeffective date of this chapter. The exemption provided for regularlyestablished dealers by § 13-113 (11), whenever the requirements of §§ 13-116to 13-121 inclusive have been complied with prior to the effective date ofthis chapter, shall continue in effect until April 30 following the effectivedate of this chapter and all securities for which a registration is in effectpursuant to that exemption on the effective date of the repeal of § 13-113(11) shall be deemed to have been registered by notification under thischapter. But such registrations, licenses and exemptions may be terminated bythe Commission for causes justifying termination of registrations under thischapter.
(1956, c. 428.)