§ 53.1-105. County and city regional jail or jail farm; persons who may beconfined; release and transfer of prisoners.
Any combination of two or more counties or cities may establish, maintain andoperate a regional jail or jail farm. Any person convicted and sentenced toconfinement in the jail or jail farm of such county or city or sentenced to astate correctional facility may be confined in a regional jail farm andrequired to do work as may be assigned him during the term of his sentence.Any regional jail may be used to hold or confine any person who couldlawfully be held or confined in a jail operated and maintained separately.
Subject to the provisions of § 53.1-113 and in the absence of privatetransportation arranged by the prisoner, any prisoner, after having completeda term of incarceration and upon release from a regional jail operated withinPlanning District Four or Planning District Five, shall be transported bysuch regional jail to the locality where the prisoner was arrested orconvicted.
(Code 1950, § 53-206.1; 1956, c. 681; 1970, c. 648; 1974, c. 553; 1979, c.700; 1982, c. 636; 1999, c. 990; 2010, c. 547.)