Chapter 3 - Local Correctional Facilities (53.1-68 thru 53.1-133.9)
- 53.1-68 - Minimum standards for local correctional facilities, lock-ups and personnel, health inspections.
- 53.1-69 - Board may prohibit confinement and require transfer of prisoners in substandard facilities.
- 53.1-70 - Jurisdiction of court to enforce orders of Board; proceedings.
- 53.1-71 - Courts to order jails erected and repaired.
- 53.1-71.1 - Private construction, operation, etc., of regional jail facility.
- 53.1-71.2 - Authority of security employees.
- 53.1-71.3 - Application of certain criminal laws to contractor-operated facilities.
- 53.1-71.4 - Powers and duties not delegable to contractor.
- 53.1-71.5 - Board to promulgate regulations.
- 53.1-71.6 - State reimbursement to localities.
- 53.1-72 - Jails of counties and cities to be jails of courts therein.
- 53.1-73 - When jail of county to be jail for town.
- 53.1-74 - When court may adopt jail of another county or city.
- 53.1-75 - Procedure after adoption.
- 53.1-76 - Commitment to jail of another county or city; payment of costs, etc.
- 53.1-77 - Jurisdiction of judge or magistrate of adopting county or city authorized to issue temporary detention orders.
- 53.1-78 - Jail for Supreme Court.
- 53.1-79 - Jails for United States prisoners; payment by United States.
- 53.1-79.1 - Agreements to transfer, transport, and confine prisoners.
- 53.1-80 - State reimbursement of localities for construction.
- 53.1-81 - Construction and operation of regional jail facilities; state reimbursement; agreements with Department.
- 53.1-82 - Regional contracts for cooperative jailing of offenders; state reimbursement.
- 53.1-82.1 - Approval of jail projects by the Board; plan for community corrections.
- 53.1-82.2 - Method of reimbursement; involvement of the Treasury Board.
- 53.1-82.3 - Budgeting schedule for jail projects.
- 53.1-83 - Description unavailable
- 53.1-83.1 - How state appropriations for operating costs of local correctional facilities determined.
- 53.1-84 - State funds available to local correctional facilities for operating costs.
- 53.1-85 - Time and manner of payment.
- 53.1-86 - Limitation on use of state funds; records of receipts and disbursements.
- 53.1-87 - Cost of maintenance of jails; payment by localities of respective shares of costs; judicial resolution of disagreements.
- 53.1-88 - Governing body to examine statements, accounts and invoices and issue warrants.
- 53.1-89 - Description unavailable
- 53.1-90 - Pay for United States prisoners.
- 53.1-91 - Pay for prisoners from other counties, cities or towns.
- 53.1-92 - Disposition of money collected from United States or other counties, cities or towns.
- 53.1-93 - When sheriffs to summon or employ guards and other persons; allowances therefor; fees charged to prisoner.
- 53.1-94 - Same when paid by county or city; same when by Compensation Board.
- 53.1-95 - Provisions applicable to jail farms of counties and cities.
- 53.1-95.1 - Limits on state expenditures.
- 53.1-95.2 - Jail authority.
- 53.1-95.3 - Definitions.
- 53.1-95.4 - Ordinance, agreement or resolution creating authority.
- 53.1-95.5 - Joinder of new subdivision; withdrawal from authority.
- 53.1-95.6 - Governing body.
- 53.1-95.7 - Powers of authority.
- 53.1-95.8 - Authority of superintendent and jail officers; oath and bond; fees charged to prisoner.
- 53.1-95.8:1 - Handling of funds for regional correctional facility; county or city treasurer or director of finan...
- 53.1-95.9 - Acquisition of interests in land.
- 53.1-95.10 - Issuance of revenue bonds.
- 53.1-95.11 - Trust agreements.
- 53.1-95.12 - Charge for use of services.
- 53.1-95.13 - Revenues and proceeds from sale of bonds.
- 53.1-95.14 - Rights of bond holders and trustees.
- 53.1-95.15 - Exemption from taxes.
- 53.1-95.16 - Issuance of revenue refunding bonds.
- 53.1-95.17 - General purpose of an authority.
- 53.1-95.18 - Design-build contracts.
- 53.1-95.19 - State reimbursement.
- 53.1-95.20 - Duty to prescribe rules and regulations.
- 53.1-95.21 - Supplemental and additional powers.
- 53.1-95.22 - Liberal construction.
- 53.1-95.23 - Severability.
- 53.1-95.24 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable.
- 53.1-96 - County and city farms; persons who may be confined.
- 53.1-97 - Appointment of superintendent and guards.
- 53.1-98 - Authority of superintendent and guards.
- 53.1-99 - Jurisdiction of offenses committed by prisoners.
- 53.1-100 - Oath and bond of superintendent and guards.
- 53.1-101 - Work by prisoners.
- 53.1-102 - Sending prisoners to other farms.
- 53.1-103 - Farm expenses.
- 53.1-104 - Funds from which expenses of transportation of person committed shall be paid; limitation upon cost of maintenance.
- 53.1-104.1 - Superintendents of jail farms to make monthly reports to Director.
- 53.1-105 - County and city regional jail or jail farm; persons who may be confined; release and transfer of prisoners.
- 53.1-106 - Members of jail or jail farm board or regional jail authority; powers; payment of pro rata costs.
- 53.1-106.1 - Location of jail facilities.
- 53.1-107 - Organization of board; annual report.
- 53.1-108 - Expenses and allowance.
- 53.1-109 - Authority of jail superintendent and jail officers; fees charged to prisoner.
- 53.1-109.01 - Authority for regional jail officers to carry weapons.
- 53.1-109.1 - Handling of funds for regional jail or jail farm; county or city treasurer or director of finance as fiscal agent.
- 53.1-109.2 - Regional jail superintendents not to be interested in private corrections enterprises.
- 53.1-110 - Oath and bond of superintendent and jail officers.
- 53.1-111 - Work of prisoners.
- 53.1-112 - Jail or jail farm expenses.
- 53.1-113 - Transportation of prisoners to jail or jail farm.
- 53.1-114 - Reimbursement of costs.
- 53.1-115 - Payment of salaries of superintendents and medical and treatment personnel.
- 53.1-115.1 - Superintendents of regional jails and regional jail-farms to make daily reports to Compensation Board.
- 53.1-115.2 - Establishment of stores in regional jails and regional jail farms.
- 53.1-116 - What records and policy jailer shall keep; how time deducted or added for felons and misdemeanants; payment of fine and costs by person committed to jail until he pays.
- 53.1-116.1 - Jailer to give notice of release of certain prisoners.
- 53.1-116.1:01 - Jailer to give notice of intake of certain prisoners.
- 53.1-116.1:02 - Jailer issued identification.
- 53.1-116.2 - Sheriffs to be keepers of jails.
- 53.1-116.3 - Improper release; capias, arrest and hearing.
- 53.1-117 - Violations of rules to be recorded in register.
- 53.1-118 - Courts to fine sheriffs for failure to perform duties.
- 53.1-119 - Court duties of sheriff.
- 53.1-120 - Sheriff to provide for courthouse and courtroom security; designation of deputies for such purpose; assessment.
- 53.1-121 - Sheriffs to make daily reports to Compensation Board; failure to send report.
- 53.1-122 - Daily records of sheriffs and jail superintendents.
- 53.1-123 - Other accounts, information and records as required by Department.
- 53.1-124 - Sheriffs and jail superintendents to report to the courts.
- 53.1-125 - Failure of sheriffs or jail superintendents to comply with requirements of board; filing of complaint; withholding salary.
- 53.1-126 - Responsibility of sheriffs and jail superintendents for food, clothing and medicine.
- 53.1-127 - Who may enter interior of local correctional facilities; searches of those entering.
- 53.1-127.1 - Establishment of stores in local correctional facilities.
- 53.1-128 - Workforces.
- 53.1-129 - Order permitting prisoners to work on state, county, city, town, certain private property or nonprofit organization property; bond of person in charge of prisoners.
- 53.1-130 - Sheriffs, jail superintendents, etc., not to be interested in property where work performed; penalty.
- 53.1-131 - Provision for release of prisoner from confinement for employment, educational or other rehabilitative programs; escape; penalty; disposition of earnings.
- 53.1-131.1 - Provision for sentencing of person to nonconsecutive days in jail; payment to defray costs; penalty.
- 53.1-131.2 - Assignment to a home/electronic incarceration program; payment to defray costs; escape; penalty.
- 53.1-131.3 - Payment of costs associated with prisoners' keep.
- 53.1-132 - Furloughs from local work release programs; penalty for violations.
- 53.1-133 - Treatment of prisoner with contagious disease.
- 53.1-133.01 - Medical treatment for prisoners.
- 53.1-133.01:1 - Payment for bodily injury
- 53.1-133.02 - Notice to be given upon prisoner release, escape, etc.
- 53.1-133.03 - Exchange of medical and mental health information and records.
- 53.1-133.1 - Definition.
- 53.1-133.2 - Establishment of jail industry programs.
- 53.1-133.3 - Eligibility to participate.
- 53.1-133.4 - Participant compensation.
- 53.1-133.5 - Disposition of money collected and payment of expenses for jail industry program.
- 53.1-133.6 - Restriction on sale of jail industry program goods and services; print shop.
- 53.1-133.7 - Sale of artistic products.
- 53.1-133.8 - Purchases by agencies, localities and certain nonprofit organizations.
- 53.1-133.9 - Charges; advertisement and marketing.
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