§ 53.1-109.1. Handling of funds for regional jail or jail farm; county orcity treasurer or director of finance as fiscal agent.
Any regional jail or jail farm constituted pursuant to the provisions of thisarticle may appoint as its fiscal agent the treasurer of a county or citywhich is a member of the board of the jail or jail farm, or in a memberjurisdiction where there is no treasurer, the director of finance. Notreasurer or director of finance shall be appointed fiscal agent withouttheir concurrence. In the event such treasurer or director of finance isappointed, all disbursements on behalf of the jail or jail farm shall be bywarrant signed by the chairman of the board of the jail or jail farm or hisdesignee and countersigned by such treasurer or director of finance as fiscalagent. For his services as fiscal agent, a treasurer or director of financethus appointed may be paid such salary supplement and reimbursed suchexpenses as may be agreed upon by the board of the jail or jail farm and thetreasurer or director of finance. Such salary supplement and expenses shallbe borne exclusively by the regional jail or jail farm and not by theCompensation Board.
(1996, c. 623.)