§ 53.1-115.1. Superintendents of regional jails and regional jail-farms tomake daily reports to Compensation Board.
The superintendent of every regional jail and every regional jail-farm shallreport each day to the Compensation Board, giving the record of each prisonerreceived during the preceding day in an electronic format approved by theCompensation Board, stating whether the offense for each prisoner is forviolation of state law or of a city or town ordinance. The computer-generatedreport shall be authenticated by both the superintendent and chairman of theregional jail-farm board. Either person who authenticates such report andwillfully falsifies the information contained in such report is guilty of aClass 1 misdemeanor.
If any superintendent fails to send such report, the Compensation Board shallnotify the superintendent of such failure. If the superintendent fails tomake the report within ten days, then the Compensation Board shall cause thereport to be prepared from the books of the superintendent and shall certifythe cost thereof to the Comptroller. The Comptroller shall issue his warranton the Treasurer for that amount, deducting the same from any funds that maybe due the superintendent by the Commonwealth.
(1983, c. 358; 2000, cc. 70, 291; 2006, cc. 857, 914.)