§ 53.1-116.1:01. Jailer to give notice of intake of certain prisoners.
A. At the time of intake of any prisoner, for whom registration with the SexOffender and Crimes Against Minors Registry is required pursuant to Chapter 9(§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1, the sheriff, jail superintendent or otherjail administrator shall also obtain from that person all necessaryregistration information, including fingerprints and photographs of a typeand kind approved by the Department of State Police. A person required toregister shall register, and submit to be photographed as part of theregistration. The sheriff, jail superintendent or other jail administratorshall forthwith forward the registration information to the Department ofState Police on the date of the prisoner's intake.
B. Whenever a person required to register has failed to comply with theprovisions of subsection A, the sheriff, jail superintendent or other jailadministrator shall promptly investigate or request the State Police promptlyinvestigate and, if there is probable cause to believe a violation hasoccurred, obtain a warrant or assist in obtaining an indictment charging aviolation of § 18.2-472.1 in the jurisdiction in which the person wasdischarged. The sheriff, jail superintendent or other jail administratorshall notify the State Police forthwith of such actions taken pursuant tothis section.
(2006, cc. 857, 914.)