§ 53.1-120. Sheriff to provide for courthouse and courtroom security;designation of deputies for such purpose; assessment.
A. Each sheriff shall ensure that the courthouses and courtrooms within hisjurisdiction are secure from violence and disruption and shall designatedeputies for this purpose. A list of such designations shall be forwarded tothe Director of the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
B. The chief circuit court judge, the chief general district court judge andthe chief juvenile and domestic relations district court judge shall beresponsible by agreement with the sheriff of the jurisdiction for thedesignation of courtroom security deputies for their respective courts. Ifthe respective chief judges and sheriff are unable to agree on the number,type and working schedules of courtroom security deputies for the court, thematter shall be referred to the Compensation Board for resolution inaccordance with existing budgeted funds and personnel.
C. The sheriff shall have the sole responsibility for the identity of thedeputies designated for courtroom security.
D. Any county or city, through its governing body, may assess a sum not inexcess of $10 as part of the costs in each criminal or traffic case in itsdistrict or circuit court in which the defendant is convicted of a violationof any statute or ordinance. If a town provides court facilities for acounty, the governing body of the county shall return to the town a portionof the assessments collected based on the number of criminal and trafficcases originating and heard in the town. The imposition of such assessmentshall be by ordinance of the governing body that may provide for differentsums in the circuit courts and district courts. The assessment shall becollected by the clerk of the court in which the case is heard, remitted tothe treasurer of the appropriate county or city and held by such treasurer tobe appropriated by the governing body to the sheriff's office. The assessmentshall be used solely for the funding of courthouse security personnel, and,if requested by the sheriff, equipment and other personal property used inconnection with courthouse security.
(Code 1950, § 53-168.1; 1972, c. 135; 1982, c. 636; 1986, c. 568; 1988, c.119; 1989, c. 571; 2002, cc. 533, 756; 2003, cc. 26, 44; 2004, cc. 390, 432;2006, c. 495; 2007, c. 377.)