§ 53.1-121. Sheriffs to make daily reports to Compensation Board; failure tosend report.
The sheriff shall report each day to the Compensation Board, giving therecord of each prisoner received during the preceding day in an electronicformat approved by the Compensation Board, stating whether the offense is forviolation of state law or of city or town ordinance.
If any sheriff fails to send such report, the Compensation Board shall notifythe sheriff of such failure. If the sheriff fails to make the report withinten days, then the Compensation Board shall cause the report to be preparedfrom the books of the sheriff and shall certify the cost thereof to theComptroller. The Comptroller shall issue his warrant on the Treasurer forthat amount, deducting the same from any funds that may be due the sheriff bythe Commonwealth.
The computer-generated report shall be authenticated by both the chief jailerand the sheriff who shall certify the accuracy of the report. Eitherauthenticator found guilty of willfully falsifying the information containedin such report shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 53-169; 1972, c. 573; 1982, c. 636; 1983, c. 358; 1996, c. 288;1998, cc. 204, 350; 2006, cc. 857, 914.)