§ 53.1-124. Sheriffs and jail superintendents to report to the courts.
A. If requested by the judge, the sheriffs of all local jails and the jailsuperintendents of all regional jails of this Commonwealth shall, on thefirst day of each term of the circuit court, make written reports to thejudge thereof, to the attorney for the Commonwealth, and to city attorneyswhose duties include prosecuting certain cases, showing the number ofprisoners in jail on that day. The report shall show the name, date ofcommitment, offense and sentence of each prisoner. The judge of such court,after examining the report, shall enter an order directing the clerk to filethe same in the clerk's office of such court.
B. If requested by the chief judge of the circuit court, general districtcourt or juvenile and domestic relations district court, the sheriffs of alllocal jails and the jail superintendents of all regional jails of theCommonwealth shall report semimonthly to the circuit court, general districtcourt, and juvenile and domestic relations district court, to the attorneyfor the Commonwealth, and to the public defender, if any, as established inArticle 3.1 (§ 19.2-163.01 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of Title 19.2, showing thenumber of prisoners in jail on that day awaiting trial. The report shallinclude the name, offense, date of commitment to jail, and amount of bailestablished.
C. If requested by the judge, the sheriffs of all local jails and the jailsuperintendents of all regional jails shall report weekly to the juvenile anddomestic relations district court located within that county, city or regionconcerning the identity and number of juveniles kept in their jails and thelength of time such juveniles have been incarcerated therein.
(Code 1950, § 53-172; 1976, c. 248; 1982, c. 636; 1990, c. 934; 1991, cc.218, 383; 2004, cc. 884, 921.)