§ 53.1-132. Furloughs from local work release programs; penalty forviolations.
The director of any work release program authorized by § 53.1-131 may,subject to rules and regulations prescribed by the Board, extend the limitsof confinement of any offender participating in a work release program whichis subject to the director's authority, to permit the offender a furlough forthe purpose of visiting his home or family. Such furlough shall be for aperiod to be prescribed by the director, not to exceed three days. The timeduring which an offender is on furlough shall not be counted as time servedagainst any sentence, and during any furlough, no earned sentence credit asdefined in § 53.1-116, good conduct allowance or credits or any otherreduction of sentence shall accrue.
Any offender who, without proper authority or without just cause, fails toremain within the limits of confinement set by the director hereunder, orfails to return within the time prescribed to the place designated by thedirector in granting such authority, shall be guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor. An offender who is found guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor inaccordance with this section shall be ineligible for further participation ina work release program during his current term of confinement.
(Code 1950, § 53-166.2; 1980, c. 566; 1982, c. 636; 2000, c. 423; 2003, c.846.)