§ 53.1-133. Treatment of prisoner with contagious disease.
Upon application of the person in charge of a local correctional facility, ifthat application is affirmed by the physician serving such facility, a judgeof a circuit court is authorized to have removed from any correctionalfacility within his jurisdiction any person confined therein who hascontracted any contagious or infectious disease dangerous to the publichealth. Such persons shall be removed to some other place designated by thejudge. When any person is so removed, he shall be safely kept and receiveproper care and attention including medical treatment. As soon as he recovershis health, he shall be returned to the correctional facility from which hewas moved, unless the term of his imprisonment has expired, in which event heshall be discharged, but not until all danger of his spreading contagion haspassed. Expenses incurred under and by reason of this section shall be paidas provided by law.
(Code 1950, § 53-135.2; 1979, c. 109; 1982, c. 636.)