§ 53.1-133.5. Disposition of money collected and payment of expenses for jailindustry program.
A. Any county, city or town that implements a jail industry program shallauthorize the sheriff, jail superintendent or his designee to establish aseparate fund for the operation of the program. This fund may be a specialrevenue fund with continuing authority to receive income and pay expensesassociated with the jail industry program. The county, city, or regional jailauthority shall audit the jail industry's special revenue fund on an annualbasis.
B. The sheriff or jail superintendent shall purchase at prices as low asreasonably possible all materials or other items used in the jail industryprogram as may be necessary. Invoices or itemized statements of account fromeach vendor of such materials and other items shall be obtained by thesheriff or jail superintendent and presented to the governing body of thecounty or city or, in the case of a regional jail or jail farm, the regionaljail authority or, if none, that body responsible for the fiscal managementof the regional jail or jail farm. The local governing body may require allsuch purchases to be made pursuant to local purchasing regulations.
(1992, c. 859; 1995, c. 756.)