§ 53.1-69. Board may prohibit confinement and require transfer of prisonersin substandard facilities.
The Board is authorized to limit, by its order, the confinement of prisonersin any local correctional facility or lock-up, which is not constructed,equipped, maintained and operated so as to comply with minimum standardsprescribed by the Board, either by prohibiting confinement of any prisonersin such local correctional facility or lock-up, or by limiting the maximumnumber of prisoners to be confined therein, as the Board deems appropriate.The Board may designate some other local correctional facility or lock-up inor at which shall be confined persons who otherwise would have been confinedin the facility subject to the Board's order. Copies of each order shall,upon being issued, be sent to the officer in charge of the facilitiesaffected, to the governing bodies of the counties, cities and towns affectedand to the judge of the circuit court of each county and city in which arelocated the local correctional facilities or lock-ups affected.
(Code 1950, § 53-134; 1981, c. 487; 1982, c. 636.)