§ 53.1-80. State reimbursement of localities for construction.
A. On and after July 1, 1993, the Commonwealth shall reimburse any city orcounty up to one-fourth of the capital costs of a jail construction,enlargement or renovation project upon a basis approved by the Board inaccordance with the provisions of this section. On and after July 1, 1993,(i) any three or more cities or counties, or any combination thereof, whichdo not qualify for reimbursement pursuant to § 53.1-81 or § 53.1-82 and (ii)any two cities or counties or any combination of a city and a county whichjointly construct, enlarge or renovate a jail upon a basis approved by theBoard in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be reimbursedby the Commonwealth on a pro rata basis up to one-fourth of the capitalcosts, as defined in § 53.1-82.2, of such project. The Board shall promulgateregulations, to include criteria which may be used to assess need andestablish priorities, to serve as guidelines in evaluating requests for suchreimbursement and to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of statefunds provided for such purpose. The Department shall apply such regulationsin preparing requests for appropriations. No such reimbursement shall be hadunless the plans and specifications, including the need for additionalpersonnel, thereof have been submitted to the Governor and the jail projecthas been approved by him. The Governor shall base his approval in part on theexpected operating cost-efficiency of the interior design of the facility.Reimbursements shall be paid subject to the provisions of § 53.1-82.2.
B. In the event that a county or city requests and receives financialassistance for capital costs of such jail project from the Department ofCriminal Justice Services or from other public fund sources outside of theprovisions of this law, the total financial assistance and reimbursementshall not exceed the total cost of the project.
(Code 1950, § 53-133.1; 1968, c. 304; 1970, cc. 252, 373; 1973, c. 233; 1981,c. 380; 1982, c. 636; 1983, c. 358; 1989, c. 423; 1993, cc. 387, 787; 1995,c. 305.)