§ 53.1-82.1. Approval of jail projects by the Board; plan for communitycorrections.
The Board shall promulgate regulations requiring localities seeking approvalof a jail project to (i) submit a community-based corrections plan and (ii)demonstrate that the project can be completed and operated in acost-efficient manner. Such regulations shall require, at a minimum, thefollowing:
1. That the request include an analysis of staffing needs and a six-yearoperating budget for the proposed facility;
2. That the request include a plan for development and implementation ofpre-trial detention alternatives and post-disposition punishment alternativeson a systematic local and regional basis, which plan shall be reviewed,modified and approved by the Board with assistance from the Department ofCriminal Justice Services; and
3. That the project be based on a locality- or region-specific jailpopulation forecast, which shall include an analysis of the impact on thejail population of the alternatives identified pursuant to subdivision 2 ofthis section, and which forecast shall be reviewed by the Department ofCriminal Justice Services.
The Board shall approve no proposed jail project which does not conform tothe regulations promulgated pursuant to this section.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to jail renovation projectswhich do not result in a net increase in available bed space.
(1993, cc. 387, 787; 2000, c. 1040.)