§ 53.1-82.3. Budgeting schedule for jail projects.
A. Any city or county or any combination of cities or counties requestingstate financial assistance pursuant to §§ 53.1-80, 53.1-81 or § 53.1-82shall, on or before March 1 biennially in the odd-numbered years, submit tothe Governor, in a format prescribed by the Department of Corrections forsuch purpose, a community-based corrections plan and specifications,including detailed cost estimates of any facility construction. On or beforeJuly 1 in the odd-numbered years, such localities shall also submit to theGovernor, in a format prescribed for such purpose by the Department of theTreasury, the expected financing costs for any such facility construction inaccordance with § 53.1-82.2. The Governor shall submit his recommendationsfor funding such projects as part of the budget bill on or before December 20of the year immediately prior to the beginning of each regular session heldin an even-numbered year of the General Assembly. Requests for appropriationsof such funds shall be considered by the General Assembly only ineven-numbered years.
B. In the event that the state share of reimbursable costs of the jailfacility is estimated to be less than or equal to $1,000,000, such localitiesshall be exempt from submitting to the Governor, in a format prescribed forsuch purpose by the Department of the Treasury, the expected financing costsfor any such facility construction in accordance with subsection A above,unless such localities seek reimbursement of financial costs associated withsuch facility construction.
(1993, cc. 387, 787; 1995, c. 305; 1998, cc. 498, 504; 2000, c. 1040.)