§ 53.1-83.1. How state appropriations for operating costs of localcorrectional facilities determined.
The Governor's proposed biennial budget bill shall include, for each fiscalyear, an appropriation for operating costs for local correctional facilities. The proposed appropriation shall include:
1. An amount for compensating localities for the cost of maintainingprisoners arrested on state warrants in local jails, regional jails and jailfarms, at a specified rate per prisoner day;
2. An amount for maintaining convicted state felons in local correctionalfacilities, at a specified rate per felon day, pursuant to § 53.1-20.1;
3. An amount to pay two-thirds of the salaries of medical and treatmentpersonnel approved by the State Compensation Board; and
4. An amount to be set aside for unanticipated medical emergencies.
(1983, c. 358; 1992, cc. 333, 573.)