§ 53.1-85. Time and manner of payment.
Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of this Code which provide for statereimbursement of certain costs incurred by local correctional facilities, thetime and manner of such payments shall be as hereinafter prescribed.
Each facility's apportionment pursuant to § 53.1-84 shall be paid by theCompensation Board to the responsible local governing body or fiscal agent ofsuch facility in quarterly installments beginning July, 1983.
The amount of the quarterly installment for each facility will be the sum ofthe following:
1. The number of state prisoner days registered by the facility in thepreceding quarter, pursuant to § 53.1-121, times the specified rate perprisoner day;
2. The number of prisoner days registered for convicted state felons by thefacility in the preceding quarter times the specified rate per felon day,pursuant to § 53.1-20.1; and
3. One-fourth of the annual cost for salaries and fringe benefits for medicaland treatment personnel approved by the Compensation Board pursuant to §15.2-1636.7.
Funds held in the emergency reserve shall be distributed on the writtenauthorization of the Compensation Board. In the event of emergencies, theCompensation Board may reallocate any portion of the reserve among individualfacilities. Any balance remaining in the reserve at the close of thebudgetary period shall revert to the general fund of the state treasury.
(1982, c. 636; 1983, c. 358; 1992, cc. 333, 573.)