§ 53.1-86. Limitation on use of state funds; records of receipts anddisbursements.
No locality receiving state funds under § 53.1-85 shall use such funds forany purpose other than for paying expenses incurred as the result of theconfinement of persons in local correctional facilities. The Department shallrequire a locality to return any portion of state funds expended in violationof this provision to the state treasury. Should an unexpended balance ofstate funds exist at the end of the apportionment year, the unencumberedfunds in such balance may be reverted to the local treasury and subsequentlyshall be expended for operating expenses of local correctional facilities. Inthe case of regional correctional facilities, the unexpended balance of statefunds shall be apportioned by the regional facility's governing body to theparticipating localities based on the number of prisoner days of personsconfined in the facility from each jurisdiction.
Each locality shall keep records of receipts and disbursements of state fundsreceived pursuant to § 53.1-85. Such records shall be open for evaluation bythe Department and audit by the Auditor of Public Accounts.
(1982, c. 636.)