§ 53.1-95. Provisions applicable to jail farms of counties and cities.
A. When the control, management and supervision of the jail farm of anycounty or city is not vested in the sheriff of such county or city, suchcounty or city shall be paid out of state funds pursuant to § 53.1-85 for thecare and custody at such jail farm of persons accused or convicted of anyoffense against the laws of the Commonwealth, and witnesses held in cases towhich the Commonwealth is a party. Such payments shall include only thereasonable cost of guarding, and providing necessary housing, maintenance,administrative expenses, food, clothing, medicine and medical attention forsuch prisoners.
A1. Such county or city may also collect from other counties, cities or townsof the Commonwealth for which any prisoner is held at the jail farm of suchcounty or city the reasonable cost of feeding, clothing, caring for andfurnishing medicine and medical attention for such prisoner, and maintenanceand administrative costs of the facility on a per prisoner basis. As used inthis section, the term "reasonable cost" means an amount not to exceedactual costs, including depreciation, less such amounts as may be paid by theCommonwealth pursuant to §§ 15.2-1609.8 and 53.1-85.
B. When the control, management and supervision of the jail farm of anycounty or city is not vested in the sheriff of such county or city, thecounty or city may collect from the United States, for prisoners of theUnited States at the jail farm, such amounts as may be agreed upon by thecounty or city and the appropriate authorities of the Government of theUnited States, which amounts shall not be less than the actual cost offeeding, clothing and caring for such prisoners. Such county or city maycollect from any state, other than this Commonwealth, and from any countryother than the United States, for which any prisoner is held at the jail farmof such county or city, the cost of guarding, and providing necessary food,clothing, medicine and medical attention for prisoners held for such otherstate or country. The amount thereof shall be agreed upon by the governmentalunits involved.
(Code 1950, § 53-188; 1960, c. 411; 1982, c. 636; 1983, c. 358.)