§ 53.1-95.5. Joinder of new subdivision; withdrawal from authority.
Any political subdivision may become a member of any existing authority, andany political subdivision which is a member of an existing authority maywithdraw therefrom, but no political subdivision shall be permitted towithdraw from any authority after any obligation has been incurred by theauthority except by unanimous vote of all members of the authority.
The governing body of any political subdivision wishing to withdraw from anexisting authority shall signify its desire by resolution or ordinance. Thegoverning body of any political subdivision wishing to become a member of anexisting authority and the governing bodies of the political subdivisionsthen members of the authority shall by concurrent resolutions or ordinancesor by agreement provide for the joinder of such political subdivision andspecify the number and term of office of members of the expanded authoritywhich are to be appointed by each of the participating politicalsubdivisions, together with the name, address and term of office of initialappointments to membership.
(1990, c. 837.)