§ 53.1-96. County and city farms; persons who may be confined.
The governing body of any county or city may, within its respectivejurisdiction or elsewhere, establish and maintain a farm where any personconvicted and sentenced to confinement in the jail of such county or city, orsentenced to a state correctional institution, may be confined and requiredto do such work as may be assigned him during the term of his sentence. Alocal jail farm may be used to hold or confine any person who could belawfully held or confined in a jail operated by the county or city.
The governing body or the farm board appointed to supervise and manage thefarm may prescribe rules and regulations to govern the operation of the farm.
(Code 1950, § 53-195; 1954, c. 193; 1970, c. 648; 1979, c. 700; 1982, c. 636;2007, cc. 95, 106.)