If, before September 1, 1991, the use of a single building facility is being shared between an existing vocational-technical institute program and a K-12 program, the respective boards shall continue to share the use of the facility until such time as it is convenient to remove one of the two programs to another facility. The determination of convenience shall be based solely upon the best interests of the students involved.
If a vocational-technical institute district board and a common school district board are sharing the use of a single facility, the program occupying the majority of the space of such facility, exclusive of space utilized equally by both, shall determine which board will be charged with the administration and control of such facility. The determination of occupancy shall be based upon the space occupied as of January 1, 1990.
The board charged with the administration and control of such facility may share expenses with the other board for the use of the facility.
In the event that the two boards are unable to agree upon which board is to administer and control the facility or upon a fair share of expenses for the use of the facility, the governor shall appoint an arbitrator to settle the matter. The decisions of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon both boards. The expenses of the arbitration shall be divided equally by each board.
[1991 c 238 § 132.]