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Title 28B - Higher education
Chapter 28B.50 - Community and technical colleges.
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Chapter 28B.50 - Community and technical colleges.
28B.50.010 - Short title.
28B.50.020 - Purpose.
28B.50.030 - Definitions.
28B.50.040 - College districts enumerated.
28B.50.050 - State board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.060 - Director of the state system of community and technical colleges--Appointment--Term--Qualifications--Salary and travel expenses--Duties.
28B.50.070 - College board--Organization--Meetings--Quorum--Biennial report--Fiscal year.
28B.50.080 - College board--Offices and office equipment, including necessary expenses.
28B.50.085 - College board--Treasurer--Appointment, duties, bond -- Depository.
28B.50.090 - College board--Powers and duties.
28B.50.091 - Board to waive fees for students finishing their high school education.
28B.50.092 - Program for military personnel--Restrictions as to high school completion program.
28B.50.093 - Program for military personnel--Limitation.
28B.50.094 - Program for military personnel--Costs of funding.
28B.50.095 - Registration at more than one community and technical college.
28B.50.096 - Cooperation with workforce training and education coordinating board.
28B.50.097 - Electronic job bank.
28B.50.098 - Appointment of trustees for new college district.
28B.50.100 - Boards of trustees--Generally.
28B.50.130 - Boards of trustees--Bylaws, rules, and regulations -- Chair and vice-chair -- Terms -- Quorum.
28B.50.140 - Boards of trustees--Powers and duties.
28B.50.1401 - Lake Washington Technical College board of trustees.
28B.50.1402 - Renton Technical College board of trustees.
28B.50.1403 - Bellingham Technical College board of trustees.
28B.50.1404 - Bates Technical College board of trustees.
28B.50.1405 - Clover Park Technical College board of trustees.
28B.50.1406 - Cascadia Community College board of trustees.
28B.50.141 - Credits--Statewide transfer policy and agreement--Establishment.
28B.50.142 - Treasurer of board--Duties--Bond.
28B.50.143 - Vendor payments, advances or reimbursements for.
28B.50.145 - Community or technical college faculty senate.
28B.50.150 - Out-of-district residence not to affect enrollment for state resident.
28B.50.195 - Intercollegiate coaches--Minimum standards encouraged.
28B.50.196 - Intercollegiate coaches--Training to promote coaching competence and techniques.
28B.50.205 - AIDS information--Community and technical colleges.
28B.50.215 - Overlapping service areas--Regional planning agreements.
28B.50.216 - Identification and implementation of potential administrative efficiencies, complementary administrative functions, and complementary academic programs within regional area -- Plan -- Ret
28B.50.239 - High-technology education and training.
28B.50.242 - Video telecommunications programming.
28B.50.250 - Adult education programs in common school districts, limitations--Certain federal programs, administration.
28B.50.252 - Districts offering vocational educational programs -- Local advisory committees -- Advice on current job needs.
28B.50.254 - Advisory council on adult education--Work force training and education coordinating board to monitor.
28B.50.256 - Facilities shared by vocational-technical institute programs and K-12 programs.
28B.50.259 - Program for dislocated forest products workers--Waiver from tuition and fees.
28B.50.271 - Opportunity grant program.
28B.50.272 - Opportunity grant program -- Student eligibility -- Funding -- Performance measures -- Documentation -- Annual summary.
28B.50.273 - Identification of grant-eligible programs of study and other job training programs -- Marketing.
28B.50.274 - Opportunity partnership program.
28B.50.278 - Opportunity employment and education center -- Opportunity policy work group -- Report by college board.
28B.50.281 - Curriculum development and funding -- Use of federal stimulus funding -- Reports -- Recognized programs of study under RCW 28B.50.273 -- Prioritization of workforce training programs.
28B.50.282 - Evergreen jobs training account -- Grants.
28B.50.285 - Opportunity express web site.
28B.50.286 - Opportunity express account.
28B.50.301 - Title to or all interest in real estate, choses in action and assets obtained for vocational-technical institute purposes by school districts--Vest in or assigned to district board--Excep
28B.50.302 - Title to or all interest in real estate, choses in action and assets obtained for vocational-technical institute purposes by school districts -- Vest in or assigned to state board for com
28B.50.305 - Seattle Vocational Institute--Findings.
28B.50.306 - Seattle Vocational Institute--Mission--Advisory committee to advise.
28B.50.307 - Seattle Vocational Institute--Funding.
28B.50.310 - Community college fees.
28B.50.311 - Community college fees--Waiver of tuition and fees for long-term unemployed or underemployed persons--Conditions--Rules.
28B.50.312 - Resident tuition for participants in community college international student exchange program.
28B.50.313 - Waiver of the nonresident portion of tuition and fees for students of foreign nations.
28B.50.320 - Fees and other income--Deposit--Disbursement.
28B.50.327 - Collection of student tuition and fees--Seattle Vocational Institute.
28B.50.328 - Waivers of tuition and fees--Scholarships--Employment of instructional staff and faculty--Seattle Vocational Institute.
28B.50.330 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of property -- Revenue bond financing -- Public bid.
28B.50.340 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of property--Financing by bonds secured by pledge of building fees, gr
28B.50.350 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of property--Bonds--Requirements.
28B.50.360 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of property--Community and technical college capital projects account
28B.50.370 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of property--Bonds--Sources for payment of principal and interest on--
28B.50.380 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping and demolition of community college facilities and acquisition of property--Bonds--Additional powers incident to bond authorization.
28B.50.390 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping and demolition of community college facilities and acquisition of property--Refunding bonds--Authorized--Form, term, issuance, etc.--Exchange or sa
28B.50.400 - Construction, reconstruction, equipping and demolition of community college facilities and acquisition of property--Bonds as limited obligation bonds--Additional means to pay principal an
28B.50.401 - Transfer of moneys in community college bond retirement fund to state general fund--Purpose.
28B.50.402 - Transfer of moneys in community and technical college bond retirement fund to state general fund--Exception.
28B.50.403 - Refunding bonds--Authorized--Limitations.
28B.50.404 - Refunding bonds--Issuance--Security.
28B.50.405 - Refunding bonds--Community and technical college refunding bond retirement fund of 1974.
28B.50.406 - Refunding bonds--Legislature may provide additional means of payments.
28B.50.407 - Refunding bonds--Bonds legal investment for public funds.
28B.50.409 - Bonds--Committee advice and consent prerequisite to issuance.
28B.50.410 - Rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities--Definitions.
28B.50.420 - Rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities--Powers and duties of state agency.
28B.50.430 - Rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities--Acceptance of federal aid.
28B.50.440 - Construction of chapter when part thereof in conflict with federal requirements which are condition precedent to allocation of federal funds.
28B.50.450 - Cooperative agreements with state and local agencies.
28B.50.455 - Vocational education of individuals with disabilities--Procedures.
28B.50.460 - Rehabilitation and job support services -- Procedure -- Register of eligible individuals and organizations.
28B.50.463 - Use of false academic credentials -- Penalties.
28B.50.465 - Cost-of-living increases--Academic employees.
28B.50.468 - Cost-of-living increases--Classified employees.
28B.50.482 - Accumulated sick leave--Transferred employees of vocational-technical institutes.
28B.50.484 - Health care service contracts--Transferred employees of vocational-technical institutes.
28B.50.489 - Part-time academic employees--State-mandated benefits--Definitions.
28B.50.4891 - Part-time academic employees--State-mandated benefits--Reporting eligible employees.
28B.50.4892 - Part-time academic employees--Best practices compensation and employment--Task force--Report.
28B.50.4893 - Part-time academic employees--Sick leave.
28B.50.4894 - Part-time academic employees -- Continuous health care eligibility -- Employer contributions.
28B.50.490 - Fiscal management--Powers and duties of officers and agencies.
28B.50.500 - General provisions for institutions of higher education.
28B.50.510 - State purchasing and material control, community college purchases.
28B.50.520 - Federal funds, receipt of authorized.
28B.50.522 - Office for adult literacy.
28B.50.528 - Contracts with adjacent college district for administrative services.
28B.50.530 - Agreements for use of services or facilities between district boards of trustees and school boards.
28B.50.531 - Dual high school and college credit for secondary career and technical courses -- Agreements.
28B.50.532 - Completion of industry certificate or credential -- Agreements with skill centers.
28B.50.533 - Contracts with common school districts for occupational and academic programs for high school students--Enrollment opportunities--Interlocal agreements.
28B.50.534 - High school completion pilot program.
28B.50.535 - Community or technical college -- Issuance of high school diploma or certificate.
28B.50.536 - General educational development test--Rules--Issuance of certificate of educational competence.
28B.50.551 - Leave provisions.
28B.50.553 - Attendance incentive program.
28B.50.600 - School district bonds--Redemption of by school district to continue though facility under control of college district board.
28B.50.601 - School district bonds--Redemption--Facilities under administration of college district board.
28B.50.740 - School district bonds--Those issued for community and technical college facilities not considered indebtedness under statutory limitations on.
28B.50.795 - Bachelor of science in nursing program -- University Center of North Puget Sound.
28B.50.810 - Applied baccalaureate degree programs.
28B.50.820 - Baccalaureate degree programs--Agreements with regional universities, branch campuses, or the state college.
28B.50.835 - Exceptional faculty awards--Intent.
28B.50.8351 - Exceptional faculty awards--"Foundation" defined.
28B.50.837 - Exceptional faculty awards--Established--Community and technical college faculty awards trust fund.
28B.50.839 - Exceptional faculty awards--Guidelines--Matching funds--Donations--Disbursements.
28B.50.841 - Exceptional faculty awards--Name of award--Duties of institution--Use of endowment proceeds.
28B.50.843 - Exceptional faculty awards -- Determination of award -- Collective bargaining.
28B.50.844 - Exceptional faculty awards--Eligibility of foundation for matching funds--Endowment fund management.
28B.50.850 - Faculty tenure--Purpose.
28B.50.851 - Faculty tenure--Definitions.
28B.50.852 - Faculty tenure--Rules and regulations--Award of faculty tenure--Maximum probationary period.
28B.50.855 - Faculty tenure--Written agreement embodying terms of employment furnished faculty.
28B.50.856 - Faculty tenure--Evaluation of probationer by review committee--Progress report, acknowledgment of receipt--Recommendation as to tenure.
28B.50.857 - Faculty tenure--Decision not to renew probationary appointment, notice by appointing authority, when.
28B.50.859 - Faculty tenure--Tenure retained upon reduced work load assignment.
28B.50.860 - Faculty tenure--Tenure retained upon administrative appointment.
28B.50.861 - Faculty tenure--Dismissal only for sufficient cause.
28B.50.862 - Faculty tenure--Certain grounds constituting sufficient cause.
28B.50.863 - Faculty tenure--Review prior to dismissal--Scope--Recommendations of review committee.
28B.50.864 - Faculty tenure -- Appeal from decision for dismissal -- Procedure.
28B.50.867 - Faculty tenure--Tenure rights upon transfer of employment to another community or technical college.
28B.50.868 - Faculty tenure--Faculty members currently employed granted tenure.
28B.50.869 - Faculty tenure--Review committees, composition--Selection of faculty representatives, student representative.
28B.50.870 - Faculty tenure--For certain educational programs operated in state correctional institutions.
28B.50.872 - Periodic posttenure evaluation.
28B.50.873 - Reduction in force of tenured or probationary faculty members due to financial emergency--Conditions--Procedure--Rights.
28B.50.874 - Transfer of administration of vocational-technical institutes to system of community and technical colleges--Personnel rights.
28B.50.8742 - Technical colleges--Employee option to reenroll in public employees' benefits trust.
28B.50.8744 - Technical colleges--Payment to public employees' and retirees' insurance account.
28B.50.875 - Laboratory services for the analyzing of samples, public agencies may contract with college for.
28B.50.877 - Technical colleges--Purchase of support services from school districts.
28B.50.880 - Apprentices---Recommendations of the state board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.890 - Apprentices -- Associate degree pathway.
28B.50.895 - Apprentice education waivers.
28B.50.901 - Regional higher education consortium management and leadership--Everett Community College--Educational plan.
28B.50.902 - Centers of excellence.
28B.50.910 - Severability--1969 ex.s. c 223.
28B.50.912 - Transfer of powers from superintendent of public instruction and state board of education to state board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.913 - Transfer of powers from Washington institute for applied technology to Seattle Vocational Institute.
28B.50.914 - Transfer of powers from school districts to state board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.915 - Transfer of powers from superintendent of public instruction to state board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.917 - Effective dates--1991 c 238.
28B.50.918 - Severability--1991 c 238.
28B.50.980 - Construction -- Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships -- 2009 c 521.
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