(1) Community and technical colleges shall partner with local workforce development councils to develop the opportunity partnership program. The opportunity partnership program may be newly developed or part of an existing program, and shall provide mentoring to students participating in the opportunity grant program. The program must develop criteria and identify opportunity grant students who would benefit by having a mentor. Each participating student shall be matched with a business or labor mentor employed in the field in which the student is interested. The mentor shall help the student explore careers and employment options through any combination of tours, informational interviews, job shadowing, and internships.
(2) Subject to funds appropriated for this specific purpose, the workforce training and education coordinating board shall create the opportunity partnership program. The board, in partnership with business, labor, and the college board, shall determine the criteria for the distribution of funds.
(3) The board may, in implementing this section, accept, use, and dispose of contributions of money, services, and property. All moneys received by the board for the purposes of this section must be deposited in a depository approved by the state treasurer. Only the board or a duly authorized representative thereof may authorize expenditures from this account. In order to maintain an effective expenditure and revenue control, the account is subject in all respects to chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required to permit expenditure of moneys in the account.
[2007 c 277 § 202.]
Notes: Findings -- Part headings not law -- 2007 c 277: See notes following RCW 28B.50.271.