(1) At the request of an apprenticeship committee pursuant to RCW 49.04.150, the community or technical college or colleges providing apprentice-related and supplemental instruction for an apprenticeship program shall develop an associate degree pathway for the apprentices in that program, if the necessary resources are available.
(2) In developing a degree program, the community or technical college or colleges shall ensure, to the extent possible, that related and supplemental instruction is credited toward the associate degree and that related and supplemental instruction and other degree requirements are not redundant.
(3) If multiple community or technical colleges provide related and supplemental instruction for a single apprenticeship committee, the colleges shall work together to the maximum extent possible to create consistent requirements for the pathway.
[2003 c 128 § 3.]
Notes: Findings -- 2003 c 128: See note following RCW 49.04.150.